AnCan and The Marsh (well renown, long-established theater company with a large following in the Bay Area and venues in San Francisco and Oakland) collaborate every 4th Wednesday of the month for Solo Arts Heal!


Our special October guest was fabulous Kelle Jolly!


Kelle, “The Tennessee Ukulele Lady”, is an accomplished music entertainer and educator. She shares musical stories and songs from the South. Her repertoire includes traditional African American music of blues, jazz, spirituals, and folk.  Kelle is a graduate of South Carolina State University, where she studied Music Education with Concentrations in Voice. Kelle is the 2011 Mountain Soul Vocal competition winner and the Knoxville Community Shares 2013 Artist of the Year.


Kelle Jolly is the host of Jazz Jam, Knoxville’s only vocal jazz radio show, on WUOT 91.9FM. She is the founder of the Women in Jazz Jam Festival and Ukesphere of Knoxville. Kelle and her saxophonist husband, Will Boyd, have served as ambassadors of jazz from Tennessee to Japan. They are Knoxville MLK Commission Artist Award recipients. In 2021, the City of Knoxville proclaimed July 21st, “Kelle Jolly and Will Boyd” Day in Knoxville, TN. Kelle Jolly is currently a graduate student in the Communication and Storytelling Studies program at East Tennessee State University, pursuing her Master of Arts degree.


Kelle told personal stories of loss and self-care. Loss: A baby story normally ends with a baby. But what happens when it doesn’t? “Losing a baby changes the story you tell about yourself as a woman. I saw myself as a sad failure. Not only did I lose a baby, I lost the ability to ever be pregnant again. My pregnancy loss left me feeling hopeless until l I was asked to conceive something else.” Self-care: Every year, the Women in Jazz Jam Festival has a theme. “I can’t always tell if the theme is a result of the festival planning experience or if the festival planning is shaped by the theme. But the year of the ‘Hearts’ theme was too relevant and real.”


Watch here: