Jackie Zimmerman

Advisory Board Member

Jackie Zimmerman has been in the patient advocacy game for over a decade and has established herself as an authority on chronic illness, patient-centric healthcare, and patient community building.

She began as a blogger shortly after her multiple sclerosis diagnosis in 2006 and later continued to (over)share her battle with ulcerative colitis (UC) in 2009. In navigating her way around having UC, she saw a massive hole in support for women living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and ostomies. In 2012, Jackie founded Girls With Guts, a nonprofit that offers education and support for women around the globe.

Jackie has an extensive background in graphic design and communications.

By day she’s an online marketing consultant, a chronic over-committer, a wife to Adam, a pet mom to four furbabies and a roller derby athlete.

You can find her online at The Queen of GSDJackieZimmerman.co,  Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.