Leah Woods


As a passionate advocate for those experiencing Visual Snow, Leah brings a unique perspective to the realm of disability awareness and support.

Discovering her Visual Snow condition while learning to drive was a pivotal moment, as she sought understanding in a world where few recognized the phenomenon. With only three articles available online at the time, Leah embarked on a journey of self-discovery and education, determined to navigate the challenges of Visual Snow and empower others facing similar experiences.

Armed with a Bachelor’s degree in Disability Studies and a Master’s in Disability Services in Higher Education, Leah has honed her expertise in advocating for accessibility and inclusion
across various settings. Her academic background, coupled with personal experience, drives her commitment to raising awareness and implementing practical solutions to support individuals with disabilities.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Leah actively engages with the Visual Snow community, offering guidance and support to those seeking understanding and connection. Through her
advocacy efforts, she strives to foster a more inclusive society where individuals with Visual Snow and other disabilities can thrive.