Mark Perloe, MD


Dr. Mark Perloe is a distinguished fertility specialist with a wealth of experience in reproductive medicine. Although he has retired, his legacy continues to impact countless families seeking to build their own.

Throughout his career, Dr. Perloe has been at the forefront of treating various infertility conditions. In 1986, Dr. Perloe co-authored the book Miracle Babies and Other Happy Endings for Couples with Fertility Problems, providing hope and guidance to those navigating infertility challenges.

Since retiring, Dr. Perloe has continued to make a difference. He serves as a prostate cancer advisor for newly diagnosed men, offering valuable insights and support. Additionally, he actively participates in consumer advisories related to research funding and the radiation oncology industry. Beyond medicine, Dr. Perloe enjoys a rich personal life. He is married, has two children, and is a proud grandparent to two grandchildren. His hobbies include playing with computers, sailing, traveling, cooking, and pet therapy visits to senior facilities and the local airport.

 Dr. Mark Perloe’s dedication and his multifaceted contributions have left an indelible mark, making him a true pioneer and advocate for men beginning their prostate cancer journey.