Michael Bihovsky

Moderator, EDS and Chronic Illness Advocate

Michael Bihovsky is a Philadelphia-based musical theater composer, writer, performer, director, and chronic illness advocate. He is known for his award-winning integration of medical advocacy into his theatrical and film work, especially the viral YouTube Les Mis food allergy parody One Grain More,” and Paperweight,” an original music video capturing the COVID-19 experience through the lens of disability, and exploring a troubled relationship during the age of social distancing.

Most of Michael’s medical advocacy focuses on “invisible illnesses.” Michael has the connective tissue Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), and has led support groups for patients with EDS and other chronic conditions through the Philadelphia area and New York City. Michael is also a recurring contributor to the Stanford Medical Journal’s SCOPE project, and is currently writing a book titled “Live Because: The Philosophy of the Broken, and the Journey Toward Wholeness.”

For more, visit www.michaelbihovsky.com.