Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Support – Men & Caregivers Recording, June 7, 2021


Editor’s Pick:  Wow – over 50 in the Room this week, so lots of great stuff!!! From conventional vs unconventional ways to treat advanced PCa to multiple testimonies on how exercise combats fatigue; and,  LHRH & heart risk – you decide! (rd)

Topics Discussed

ASCO ’21 Quick Highlights; Centers of Excellence vs independent GU Med Oncs; LHRH comparisons; compassionate use for Lu177 PSMA; combatting fatigue w. exercise; itching and rash site reaction to Lupron; enzalutamide vs apalutamide; predinisone use when diabetic; how long can you stay at your PSA nadir?; mistaken testosterone reading gets a laugh; lipid panel considerations; more & more chemo … & still more!; LHRH & heart risk again today; health anxiety raises its ugly head.

Chat Log

AnCan – rick (to Organizer(s) Only): 5:32 PM: 47 online + callers – I think that’s a record!

Jake Hannam (to Organizer(s) Only): 5:33 PM: I think so too

Len Sierra (to Organizer(s) Only): 5:33 PM: Yes! Amazing! Btw, now you can see why I could never regurgitate Howard’s incredibly strange and complex journey!

richard wassersug (to Everyone): 5:46 PM: Rick, You are right!

Bill Franklin (to Organizer(s) Only): 5:48 PM: This might be the biggest group I’ve seen yet. I still had a little a day or two after the treatment. I was good for a long time but then, unfortunately it came back. I’ve actually been having a lot of issues lately. Hopefully you’ll get to feeling better soon.

Mark Perloe (to Everyone): 5:55 PM: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00859781?term=LU+177&cond=prostate+cancer&cntry=US&state=US%3ACA&city=Los+Angeles&dist=50&draw=2&rank=3

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 5:59 PM: Resistance training also builds BONES. Absolutely necessary while on ADT

Joel Blanchette – Reston, VA (to Everyone): 5:59 PM: We are at 50 in the room.

Mark Perloe (to Everyone): 6:02 PM: If you are on a statin, Co Q10 can reduce muscle issues.

AnCan – rick (to Jimmy Greenfield): 6:29 PM: What did we do for you today,

Jimmy G Jimmy Greenfield (Private): 6:30 PM: Just being yourselves, fantastic.

Paul Freda (to Everyone): 6:46 PM: I have the belly problem too. It is very frustrating and I have not been able to get rid of it. ….. I do feel better about it when resistance training exercsing at the fitness center.

Jimmy Greenfield (to Everyone): 6:48 PM: I’m with you Paul. Better to be strong-fat!

Bill Franklin (to Everyone): 6:51 PM: I did just shy of 2 years on lupron and never experienced any type of itching, rash, or hives after my shots.

Jeff Marchi (to Everyone): 6:53 PM: 4 years and I have no issues, can’t even remember which hip it went in

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 6:53 PM: How big of a percentage of T production is covered by Abi alone?

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 6:56 PM: Theoretically, Abi alone should do the job. But it requires some risk taking to go that route. Abi should block all T production independently of LHRH.

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 6:59 PM: Androgen Deprivation Therapy: An Essential Guide for Prostate Cancer Patients and Their Loved Ones by Wassersug, et al

Mark Perloe (to Everyone): 7:00 PM: BNP is used in US to monitor CHF, but not in healthy people.

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 7:03 PM: I’ll be getting an Eligard shot and PSA test this Wednesday.

AnCan – rick (to Len Sierra): 7:09 PM: SSRIs are anti-depression; he needs an anti anxiety

Len Sierra (Private): 7:09 PM: They are also anxiolytics, Rick. Anyway, anxiety and depression go hand in hand.

AnCan – rick (to Len Sierra): 7:11 PM: don’t agree with you – I don’t suffer from anxiety

Jimmy Greenfield (Private): 7:11 PM: Yes! Not nervous, I’m just excitable you know. Shingles vaccine shot is killing me!

Len Sierra (Private): 7:12 PM: Because you’re taking an SSRI or SNRI.