Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Support – Men & Caregivers Recording, July 5, 2021


Apologies for starting the recording late this week – but we made up for it by going almost 1 hour overtime! That’s what happens when the Calendar causes us to miss a week.

Editor’s Choice: Maybe we can control hot flashes after all …… and dexmethasone may ease chemo lows (rd)

Topics Discussed – order may be a little off this week …. sorry!

Uro fails to follow up w. denovo Mx Dx; neighbor provides care & guidance where not really wanted; managing advanced PCa since 2009 with IHT; the Embr gizmo brings succes; starting Ac225+pembro+enz trial; Pylarify now available; genetic testing; orchiectomy v LHRH; Orgovyx; Stability continues for man who started with 3000 PSA; 20th chemo coming up!; Dex may ease chemo low; Medical MJ for appetite and more; huge fatigue – but maybe overdoing it?; negotiating a drug holiday; PSA low end for a Pylalrify result; darolutamide could work; switching docs at The James; chemo brings results with just 6 sessions

Chat Log

John Ivory (to Everyone): 5:29 PM: My father & uncle had prostate cancer; my mother had breast cancer, but my germline was negative

John Ivory (to Everyone): 5:33 PM: abiraterone (sometimes known by brand name Zytiga

Dennis Correia (to Everyone): 5:39 PM: Dr. Parminder Singh at Mayo Hospital in Phoenix.

scott (to Everyone): 6:20 PM: Sorry for the repeat, how do you spell the specific oncologist from earlier?

Ancan – rick (to Everyone): 6:24 PM: Genitourinary medical oncologist

David Muslin (to Everyone): 6:24 PM: I give pat alot of credit for helping however, you can’t help someone who does not want to help themselves.

George (to Everyone): 6:34 PM: I signed up but was rejected because I don’t have hot flashes (yet).

John Ivory (to Everyone): 6:39 PM: For those on abiraterone, a reminder that the instructions say no grapefruit

Jeff Marchi (to Everyone): 6:40 PM: same with viagra!

John Ivory (to Everyone): 6:46 PM: SO good to hear, Ken!

David Muslin (to Everyone): 6:47 PM: You are an inspiration Ken

Peter Kafka (to Everyone): 6:48 PM: Ken, you are amazing! Good going

Bruce Bocian (to Everyone): 6:52 PM: Anyone try the Prolaris genetic test kit?

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 6:54 PM: Prolaris is useless for guys who are high risk/recurrent/advanced, i.e., this group.

Bruce Bocian (to Everyone): 6:54 PM: Ok thanks, Im thinking for my sons

Jimmy Greenfield (to Everyone): 6:54 PM: When I was taking dexamethasone I was cleaning the house constantly. My wife was sad when I was done -wanted me to get a scrip just for that

George (to Everyone): 6:55 PM: Woodburn Nuclear Medicine in Annandale Virginia for Pylarify PSMA-PET scan.

Jefferson (to Everyone): 6:55 PM: wwhere is fairfax ?

George (to Everyone): 6:56 PM: Fairfax 10 mi from Washington DC

Joel Blanchette (to Everyone): 6:57 PM: PSMA scan at Woodburn Nuclear Medicine & Metro Region PET Center

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 7:00 PM: Some tumors can make the T they need. As was explained by my MO

John Ivory (to Everyone): 7:12 PM: My question isn’t prostate related (is for My Mom), so I’ll just post it here. I’ll also go to caregivers tomorrow. Does anyone have any experience using medical marijuana as an appetite stimulant? Mom is down to 78 pounds from 100+ Looking for any way to stimulate her appetite

Jefferson (to Everyone): 7:16 PM: thank you ALL my oncologist has order blood genetic testing and was approved full help with the cost. I BELIEVE you have given me something to think about.

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 7:16 PM: The only cannabis drug approved by FDA for appetite stimulation is called Marinol (dronabinol). Marinol: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2005/018651s021lbl.pdf

John Ivory (to Everyone): 7:17 PM: Thanks Len–will look into that too

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 7:23 PM: Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 7:31 PM: see all next Tues.

Len Sierra (to Organizer(s) Only): 7:32 PM: Gotta drop off, guys. Have a good week.

Bruce Bocian (to Everyone): 7:39 PM: Good night!

John Ivory (to Everyone): 7:49 PM: I’m on abiraterone w/o mets

Jeff Marchi (to Everyone): 7:51 PM: problem getting insurance to pay without metastasis

Herb Geller (to Organizer(s) Only): 7:53 PM: I gotta go soon. Bedtime!

Ancan – rick (to Everyone): 7:59 PM: Amir Mortazavi

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 7:59 PM: Gotta go. See you all Tuesday.

John Ivory (to Everyone): 8:00 PM: @Jeff wow, I got lucky then–maybe bc I failed surgery & radiation… Both ACA plan & now Medicaid have paid (I’m too young for Medicare)

George (to Everyone): 8:01 PM: https://cancer.osu.edu/find-a-doctor/search-physician-directory/amir-mortazavi

George (to Everyone): 8:09 PM: Thank you all.