Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Jan 11, 2022

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Savvy Co.op , a patient led research company, are seeking a very few men with metastatic, castrate resistant PCa who failed a 2nd line anti-androgen. It pays $110 for 60 min from home. For more details and to apply check https://gigs.savvy.coop/scpct/?r=ancan

For our upcoming Valentine’s Intimacy Webinar, register at https://bit.ly/3qWKSWK

All AnCan’s groups are free and drop-in – join us in person sometime! You can find out more about our 11 monthly prostate cancer groups at https://ancan.org/prostate-cancer/ Sign up to receive a weekly Reminder/Newsletter at https://ancan.org/contact-us/

Editor’s Pick: We learn about a new insurance approved cancer rehab program; and we talk about how to prepare for IMRT and for Provenge. (rd)

Topics Discussed

GU med onc needed in WI area; getting germline (inherited) genetic testing; where’s Jake?; Valentine’s Intimacy Sexual Dysfunction Webinar on Jan 31; Savvy Coop needs a few good men; ReVital – a new PT rehab program; how to prepare for successful IMRT; … and to prepare for Provenge; PSMA scans; Lu177 combo treatments; HOXB13 mutation; 18 vs 24 mo. ADT; a strange abi history; ‘partial’ drug holidays and monotherapy HT

Chat Log

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 4:21 PM: Emanuel Antonarakis, Masonic Cancer Center, U. of MN

Daniel Ford (to Everyone): 4:22 PM: Has anyone seen an instance where genetic profiling led to actionable (ideally successful) therapy?

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 4:23 PM: Abolutely. BRCA mutations can lead to treatment with PARP inhibitors.

Peter Kafka (to Everyone): 4:24 PM: I have tagged mutations and was treated with targeted therapies so far successfully. Several others on the call as well

Daniel Ford (to Everyone): 4:25 PM: So if no BRCA mutations then nothing useful? What are examples of targeted therapies?

Carl Forman (to Everyone): 4:26 PM: Genetic testing resulted in my being treated with a PARP inhibitor, Olaparib, due to my BRCA2 mutation. It kept my PSA undetectable for almost 2 years before it ran its course.

Len Sierra (to Organizer(s) Only): 4:28 PM: Dan, there are several mutations that suggest patients with PCa may respond well to immunotherapy.

Carl Forman (to Everyone): 4:30 PM: Also, genetic testing can identify whether you are MSS or MSH and have either a high or low tumor burden. If MSH and high tumor burden, use of Keytruda can be a viable option.

Cal Van Zee (to Everyone): 4:30 PM: the risk to your children is significant if you have BRCA mutations. If you have chldren you definitely want to know.

John Vandenberg (to Everyone): 4:31 PM: What is MSS and MSH?

Bill Franklin (to Everyone): 4:32 PM: Dan, Len Sierra has noted that there are several mutations that suggest patients with PCa may respond well to immunotherapy.

Carl Forman (to Everyone): 4:32 PM: microsatellite stable (MSS) or high (MSH)

George Rovder, Arlington VA (to Everyone): 4:44 PM: Genito Urinary (GU) Medical Oncologist

Alexa Jett (to Everyone): 4:56 PM: https://bit.ly/3qWKSWK Dr. Rachel Rubin Webinar – January 31st at 8 pm ET

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 5:02 PM: Savvy Co-op https://gigs.savvy.coop/scpct/?r=ancan

Carl Forman (to Everyone): 5:04 PM: www.revitalcancerrehab.com

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 5:07 PM: Rehab Cancer only available in these states: Services are currently available in AZ, CA, GA, KY, MD, VA, DC, IL, ME, MN, MO, NJ, PA, TN, TX, WA, OH. Insurance coverage may vary based on provider.

Chick Lindsay (to Everyone): 5:10 PM: Thanks for this info. my brother can use this.

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 5:18 PM: Radiation Pamphlet https://urology.ucsf.edu/sites/urology.ucsf.edu/files/uploaded-files/attachments/sduro0110_radiation_therapy_for_prostate_cancer_a_patient_guide.pdf

eric (to Everyone): 5:44 PM: Good night guy. Have to go but thanks for the knowledge, stay positive, and stay blessed. Talk to you guys next week!! We live to fight another day!!

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 5:45 PM: right back at ya, Eric

Ben Nathanson (to Everyone): 5:45 PM: Thanks, Eric!

Chick Lindsay (to Everyone): 5:53 PM: Is Luteshim a chemotherapy?

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 5:53 PM: It’s a targeted radiotherapy. Radioligand therapy, more accurately.

Chick Lindsay (to Everyone): 5:54 PM: Thanks.

John Birch (to Everyone): 6:03 PM: Have to run. Appreciate the dialogues and info sharing tonight.

Jeff Wood (to Everyone): 6:05 PM: Good night to all.

Ken (to Everyone): 6:11 PM: Great

Chick Lindsay (to Everyone): 6:17 PM: Who is John’s Vandenberg’s doc?

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 6:18 PM: Andrew Armstrong at Duke

Daniel Ford (to Everyone): 6:18 PM: Gotta run guys – thanks.

Cal Van Zee (to Everyone): 6:20 PM: First round chemo for me tomorrow. Trying mightily to not be afraid as I know many of you have already had the six rounds.

Len Sierra (to Organizer(s) Only): 6:23 PM: Good night, gents. Good job, Peter K!