Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Aug 23, 2022

AnCan’s upcoming webinar “Prostate cancer biopsies: the great debate” takes on a hot topic for anyone planning a biopsy: Should it be transrectal or transperineal? Learn what these techniques are and why the decision matters. Register at https://bit.ly/3OJ9Mmu

All AnCan’s groups are free and drop-in … join us in person sometime! You can find out more about our 12 per month prostate cancer meetings at https://ancan.org/prostate-cancer/ Sign up to receive a weekly Reminder/Newsletter for this Group or others at https://ancan.org/contact-us/

Editor’s Pick: Refining the fine print — making changes when you’re handed paperwork to sign (bn)

Topics Discussed

Recommending a Fox Chase doc for NJ first-timer with troubling PSMA-PET; bicyclist sees two PSA rises after radiation — time to worry?; metastasis nine years after prostatectomy, seeking a new California doc; shaken by PSA rise after salvage radiation and en route to medonc; chemo round three — “it sucks but it works” ; testicular “barrier” complicates treatment for rare metastasis to a testicle; 6 months undetectable PSA, looking forward to a holiday; recovering from infection after losing 25 pounds, and pondering a T-cell trial; fantastic Pluvicto response, hoping for additional treatments; diarrhea and fatigue coming off abi — was prednisone taper too fast?; Keytruda treatments hit roadblock after blood test; nurses look askance when he carefully reads — and modifies — a stack of paperwork before signing.

Chat Log

Bob G. Philadelphia (to Everyone): 6:01 PM: Can’t stay but wanted to let you all know about a full day virtual series of classes from Abramson Cancer Center at Penn, where I go. Titled “Focus on Prostate Cancer” Friday, October 21, 2022 7:30 am – 4:00 pm EDT Free, though they ask for a small donation. https://www.med.upenn.edu/prostate2022/agenda.html

Richie in LA (to Everyone): 6:12 PM: Have severe thunderstorms in my area right now, so if I get kicked off for loss of electricity, I will try and log back in ASAP. Thanks

Peter Kafka – MN (to Everyone): 6:14 PM: Richie: If your internet goes out you can join by phone if that doesn’t get kicked out.

Richie in LA (to Everyone): 6:14 PM: Thanks Larry Fish (to Everyone): 6:20 PM: from nadir … how often PSA rests ..how long was it rising up to now – ? why no action?

Jeff Marchi, San Francisco (to Everyone): 6:26 PM: https://www.prostatecancerpromise.org/?utm_campaign=PCF&utm_medium=link&utm_source=Website&utm_content=Article

Bob McHugh (to Everyone): 6:26 PM: Dan Geynisman at Fox Chase …

Joe Gallo (to Everyone): 6:43 PM: joeg@ancan.org I am 4+5

Julian Morales – Houston (to Everyone): 6:47 PM: Genitourinary (GU): Pertaining to the genital and urinary systems.

Julian Morales – Houston (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: FYI – These meetings are archived for viewing at later times.

Jeff in CA (to Everyone): 7:23 PM: Thanks all. Have another meeting startiing now. Much appreciation for your observations and feedback.

Joe Gallo (to Everyone): 7:39 PM: The nuclear doc for PSMA I mentioned at Fox Chase Yi Li, MD, MSc.

Joe Gallo (to Everyone): 7:43 PM: better name reference Jian Q. (Michael) Yu, MD, FACNM, FRCPC Chief, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Nuclear Medicine and PET

John Vandenberg (to Everyone): 7:44 PM: thanks – i’ll ask my primary doc next week

Ben Nathanson (to AnCan Barniskis Room): 7:49 PM: Hope surgery went well!

AnCan Barniskis Room (Private): 7:50 PM: TxBen … all good and a little advocating for myself too

Julian Morales – Houston (to Everyone): 7:58 PM: I read my mortgage papers and was accused of being a lawyer!

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 8:08 PM: How long does it take to run through your system?

Jim Ward (to Everyone): 8:11 PM: Gotta run. Congrats on the successul procedure, Rick!