Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Jan 2, 2023


Happy New Year to all … may it be healthy!

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Editor’s Pick: Is AnCan onto yet another largely unreported side effect – Pluvicto & myopathy (muscle wasting)? And 20% of mHSPC men show progression w/o PSA rise (ARCHES trial)!!  (rd)

Topics Discussed

Brainstorming hot flashes – from acupuncture to Megace; pain management; Pluvicto and myopathy; Pluvicto availability poses tx dilemma; more pain management re. Pluvicto; logistics of a Pluvicto session; urine stream and advanced PCa; upcoming Sholz webinar; better evidence from testicular PCa Mx could offer next tx guidance; sleep apnea; Payer attitude to repeat PSMA scans; what sequencing, PSMA and pathology offer; 20% of men on LHRH don’t show PSA rise with radiographic progression (see Len’s Chat post below); next step – BAT

Chat Log

Jim B · 8:17 PM Hi Bob, I am feeling pretty good all around. Finally I am in FL and getting settled in. On my first day here I was able to get a lot more exercise than up in the cold weather. How’s your WBC coming along?

Jimmy Greenfield · 8:26 PM BedJet3 Demo: https://youtu.be/t6i1j3tw8mQ

Peter Kafka – MAUI · 8:48 PM Organic dried prunes on a daily basis has helped me keep things moving. But strong drugs can be tough.

AnCan – rick · 9:13 PM Vets Group … https://ancan.org/veterans/

Paul Freda Lake Worth FL · 9:17 PM Where do we sign up for the Jan 30 Webinar ? Link ?

AnCan – rick · 9:20 PM Scholz webinar Scholz webinar https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3476369222172706645

Bob G · 9:26 PM Testicular mets case study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4209256/#:~:text=Most%20secondary%20testicular%20metastases%20originate,for%20advanced%20disease%20%5B3%5D.

Phil Snyder (Houston) · 9:42 PM Have to leave Gentlemen, thanks for listening in on the interesting exchange.

Joel Blanchette Reston, VA · 9:44 PM I researched about 6 months ago and the Inspire cost $40,000

gary peters · 9:46 PM Yikes. No wonder they are trying to market the heck out of it. I would try a lot of masks before spending that.

Paul Freda Lake Worth FL · 9:49 PM https://www.easybreathe.com/Breathing-Machines/CPAPs-c832/

Joe Gallo · 9:49 PM Scholz webinar https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3476369222172706645

gary peters · 9:56 PM LOL. I did not know that cost. Happy New Year

George Rovder, Arlington VA · 10:03 PM Inspire costs $1,400 with Medicare, according to Inspire website https://inspiresleep.com/ cost-and-eligibility

AnCan – rick · 10:06 PM @JeffW .. from Telix – “Medicare typically reimburses one scan for suspected metastases prior to definitive treatment, and scans after definitive treatment (biochemical recurrence) are not limited to a number, but all must meet medical necessity.   Commercial payors typically have similar policies, but there are so many different plans that the answer can vary. Almost all commercial payors require prior authorizations so the patient should know if the scan will be reimbursed before arriving for the test.”  Hope this helps.

Len Sierra · 10:08 PM Armstrong recommends imaging every 3 months in mHSPC. From the ASCO 2022 Annual Meeting: See yellow highlights below. https://dailynews.ascopubs.org/do/10.1200/ADN.22.200934/full/?cid=DM10522&bid=171588107    ARCHES Analysis Underscores Importance of Regular Imaging to Detect Progression in Patients With mHSPC Receiving Potent AR Inhibitors May 26, 2022   Dr. Andrew J. Armstrong Key Points: • Post hoc analysis of the ARCHES trial identified frequent discordance between radiographic progression and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) progression among patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC) receiving enzalutamide. • The results suggest that regular radiographic imaging, rather than serial PSA testing, is the preferred method for monitoring disease progression in patients with mHSPC receiving a potent androgen receptor inhibitor.