Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Oct 17, 2022

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Editor’s Pick: Is it prostate or lung cancer?? Plus a great discussion on Bipolar Androgen Therapy. Read Drs. Denmeade and Antonarakins BAT Patient Guide https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9313844/ (rd)

Topics Discussed

After 5 yrs on abi, consider a change in Tx and docs; 1.8 PSA nadir on abi & TAK-700 may require another Tx; PSA post RP comes back at 1.79; Dr.E gets full marks … again; Spot RT complements chemo to reduce PSA; Procrit – pros/cons; BAT to follow disappointing Pluvicto results; adjuvant RT now vs direction from scans and early salvage RT; PCa or NSCLC – confusion reins; tips on starting chemo; time for an Axumin scan; handling sciatic pain while on blood thinners.

Chat Log

George Rovder Arlington VA (to Everyone): 5:27 PM: Genito-Urologic Medical Oncologist

AnCan – rick (to Organizer(s) Only): 5:43 PM: Len – what’s the TAK-700; remember from years ago

Ben Nathanson (to Organizer(s) Only): 5:43 PM: orteronel It worked, just not well enough to meet the goals

Len Sierra (to Organizer(s) Only): 5:43 PM: Yes, orteronel. It’s similar to Abi

AnCan Barniskis Room/John (to Organizer(s) Only): 5:43 PM: could he have been on placebo? was there a placebo arm?

Len Sierra (to Organizer(s) Only): 5:44 PM: I think he said he took it for 7 years, so doubtful that it was placebo.

Peter Kafka – MN (to Everyone): 5:45 PM: Under 60 group candidate

AnCan Barniskis Room/John (to Organizer(s) Only): 5:45 PM: Oh yeah–must have been given the option to continue after study ended.

Mark Thompson (to Everyone): 5:47 PM: You are not alone Aaron, I was diagnosed at the age of 47 also with bone mets.

AnCan – rick (to Ian G (AZ)): 6:15 PM: The field is moving so fast; that’s why you have to have a GU med onc!! Deciding on the best Tx is difficult.

Ian G (AZ) (Private): 6:21 PM: CCCN has a lot of MOs. Is there noone there that can fill Dr V’s shoes.

Frank Fabish Columbus OH (to Everyone): 6:22 PM: Got to go guys. Thanks for the discussions.

AnCan – rick (to Ian G (AZ)): 6:26 PM: You will need a specialty GU med onc, Ian. You are better off at a Center of Excellence not a community practitoner. Dr. V z”l was a rare exception. Tony Crispino may have confidence in someone in LV so check with him but I would strongly recommend going to a Center of Excellence.

Julian Morales – Houston (to Everyone): 6:34 PM: Need to leave – It’s been a long day for me. Will catch you next week!

Ian G (AZ) (Private): 6:35 PM: Rick, this guy at CCCN is a GU MO: Oscar B. Goodman, Jr., MD, PhD. He has really good reviews.

Carl Forman (to Everyone): 6:37 PM: Denmeade is at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.

AnCan – rick (to Ian G (AZ)): 6:39 PM: Like I say, Ian, if me, I would go to a Center of Excellence and have them work with a local person.

Ian G (AZ) (Private): 6:45 PM: Thanks Rick, I will email Tony right away.

AnCan – rick (to Ian G (AZ)): 6:46 PM: If me, I would see Alan Bryce at Mayo along with a local person.

George A Southiere Jr (to Everyone): 6:51 PM: Good to see everyone. Very tired these days so need to sleep. Goodnight fellows

George Rovder Arlington VA (to Everyone): 6:52 PM: Thank you gents. Goodnight.

Cal Van Zee (to Everyone): 6:53 PM: I have notes from a Nov ’21 webinar on BAT. Mike Schweitzer at SCCA uses BAT and has research on it.

Joe Gallo (to Organizer(s) Only): 6:54 PM: FYI. 3 mos after stop Orgovyx T was at 122

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 6:55 PM: https://ancan.org/bipolar-androgen-therapy-bat-sam-denmeade-md/

Ian G (AZ) (to Everyone): 6:57 PM: Thanks for the warm welcome. Been a long day. See you next time!

James Davidson (Hou) (to Everyone): 7:05 PM: Gotta go. Thank you, gentlemen.

Len Sierra (to Organizer(s) Only): 7:05 PM: Signing off, Gents. G’night. Great job, Herb.

Marty Wice (to Everyone): 7:13 PM: Thank you. Goodnight.

Mark Thompson (to Everyone): 7:22 PM: Thank you all for a great dissussion, getting tired. Good night.

Ben Nathanson (to Everyone): 7:31 PM: https://conquer-magazine.com/issues/2022/vol-8-no-4-august-2022/1896-simple-strategies-for-relieving-oral-pain-caused-by-cancer-treatment

TonyFig (to Everyone): 7:46 PM: Thanks for another great meeting.