Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Oct 11, 2022

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Editor’s Pick: Drug holiday…but what about that rising testosterone? (bn)

Topics Discussed

Longtime friend remembers John Birch; a thank-you from John’s wife; two more passings — George Degnon and Dave Myers; Dr. E patient wonders what’s next after discontinuing abi; newcomer gets care downstate when Dr. Antonarakis is in his backyard; mysterious red marks following chemo; why is genetic testing useful?; jitters as testosterone rises on a drug holiday; dosing at mealtime to economize on abi; PSMA ordered but PSA is undetectable; helping a new BRCA patient get help at UCSF.

Chat Log

Dennis McGuire (to Everyone): 6:04 PM: she is on

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 6:59 PM: Dr. Emanuel Antonarakis https://med.umn.edu/bio/hematology-oncology-and-transp/emmanuel-antonarakis

Jim B (to Everyone): 7:27 PM: Hi Bob, I think I am feeling much better today. BTW the chemo sores appeared almost immediately in my case and went away very soon after the steroid cream. The name of the cream is Clobetasol Propionate Cream.

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 7:37 PM: Low dose Abi reference:

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 7:37 PM: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5941614/

Herbert Geller (to Everyone): 8:00 PM: Gotta go. See you all on Monday.

AnCan – rick (to Organizer(s) Only): 8:00 PM: Great job tonight getting through everyone, Peter.

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 8:02 PM: Chromogranin A (CGA) and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) levels are biomarkers for NEPC. Also, they are synaptophysin positive. DLL3 (Delta-like Ligand 3) is positive in 76% of NEPC.