Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Support – Men & Caregivers Recording, June 1, 2021


Editor’s Pick: More than once we discussed the reality that recurrent prostate cancer is often a chronic and manageable disease. THAT’S A TAKE HOME MESSAAGE!!!! (rd)

Topics Discussed

When’s the right time to pursue follow-up Tx post-RP; recurrence after LDR+IMRT+HT; managing PCa as a chronic disease; radiation field for salvage RT; SpaceOAR hydrogel for RT rectal protection; Lu177 PSMA success; pushing recalcitrant doc finallly reveals metastatic recurrence; proactively seeking site of recurrence

Chat Log

John Ivory (to Everyone): 3:01 PM: Mute-iner on the Bounty

Mark Perloe (to Everyone): 3:20 PM: Does anyone have knowledge on who runs the PTEN mutation test? Is this genomic on tissue and liquid biopsy or genetic?

Joel Blanchette – Reston, VA (to Everyone): 3:21 PM: Mine was dectected by the turmor test done by Foundation Medicine.

James Barnes (to Everyone): 3:22 PM: My genomic testing was also sent to Foundation Medicine.

Mark Perloe (to Everyone): 3:23 PM: Thanks Joel. Was it on the tumor or blood

Joel Blanchette – Reston, VA (to Everyone): 3:24 PM: On the tumor that came from my biopsy tissue. 50 % of men have PTEN.

Mark Perloe (to Everyone): 3:31 PM: That is why I’m interested in checking. It appears to play a role in bypassing testosterone, ie activating the receptor function. In culture mouse prostate cancer rapamycin and metformin may help stop its growth if PTEN is present. Studies in human have been inconclusive.

Ken (to Everyone): 3:33 PM: the combo of metformin and rapamycin has been looked and no one can find much info..

Mark Perloe (to Everyone): 3:34 PM: Yes, those trials are not very helpful. Is there a benefit to knowing PTEN status? If so, when.

Ken (to Everyone): 3:34 PM: for me G360 liquid biospy order by Paul Corn three months ago.

Joel Blanchette – Reston, VA (to Everyone): 3:34 PM: There is a clinical trial that has a drug replacing the PTEN loss. It is call something like apatinib

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 3:42 PM: Monday 8:00 PM Eastern

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 3:44 PM: Mark, Yes there is a benefit from knowing PTEN status, as there are potential downstream signals that get activated if PTEN is missing. A clinical trial with blocking Akt with PTEN loss:Ipatasertib Plus Abiraterone Plus Prednisone/Prednisolone, Relative to Placebo Plus Abiraterone Plus Prednisone/Prednisolone in Adult Male Patients With Metastatic Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer (IPATential150)

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 3:52 PM: I have to leave to teach a class

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 3:53 PM: hoist that mainsail!

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 3:55 PM: genito-urinary (GU) oncologist

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 4:00 PM: I tried to get my M/O to tell me what treatment I would be having in 5 years…. Stumped him and while he was scratching his head, I offered ‘that will be the future, so hard to say was available. He agreed.

Blee (to Everyone): 4:07 PM: Thanks all, until next time… Blee

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 4:08 PM: Just don’t ask yourself to repeat what you just said

John Ivory (to Everyone): 4:19 PM: I had a water “balloon” inserted every day that I had radiation

Ted Healy (to Everyone): 4:22 PM: this had a good overview on the gel IMHO https://zerocancer.org/learn/resources/webinars-videos/

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 4:33 PM: The clivus (Latin for “slope”) is a bony part of the cranium at the skull base, a shallow depression behind the dorsum sellæ that slopes obliquely backward. It forms a gradual sloping process at the anterior most portion of the basilar occipital bone at its junction with the sphenoid bone.

Mark Perloe (to Everyone): 4:39 PM: Would he be a candidate for LU 177?

Ancan -rick (to Everyone): 4:40 PM: too early

Mark Perloe (to Everyone): 4:40 PM: With 5 lesions, treating oligomets with SBRT seems controversial. Studies have shown abiraterone is a better first match than Xtandi first.

Carlos Huerta (to Everyone): 4:46 PM: Has Xofigo been discussed?

Joel Blanchette listed a lengthy table showing PSA varying between 0.8 and 1.7 between 2/20 – 5/21 with a couple of aberrations.

Joel Blanchette – Reston, VA (to Everyone): Dr. Antonarakis: “I am not convinced that your PSA level is rising; it seems pretty stable to me. In my opinion, it is too early to get a CT scan or Bone scan. Also, I would not travel to California for PSMA-PET scan, because I anticipate that this will be available soon on the East Coast by June/July this summer. My advice would be to remain patient, and to get a PSMA-PET scan locally (or at Johns Hopkins) as soon as it becomes routinely available. We are all eagerly awaiting the FDA’s decision on DCFPyL this Friday…”