Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Virtual Support – Men & Caregivers Recording, Mar 23, 2021 


Editor’s Pick: Cicadas … no just kiddin’! Nothing outstanding this week unless your intrigued by botox use for bladder urgency. (rd)

Topics Discussed

Bladder issues long after PCa Tx; rectal metastasis; Orgovyx in action; what next – Provenge, enz, daro?; Cicadas … don’t ask!; supplements – bromohexene and phenylisithiocyanate … don’t ask again!!; livr issues from hormone therapy;low dose abi w. food; we question 4 mo HT for 4+4 recurrence; blood count discussion; exercise, exercise, exercise.

Chat Log

….. Apologies but the Chat file did not save on my laptop this week – perhaps because I joined via the Web rather than my desktop. Will know for future!