AnCan and The Marsh (well renown, long-established theater company with a large following in the Bay Area and venues in San Francisco and Oakland) collaborate every 4th Wednesday of the month for Solo Arts Heal.

Friends, it was my absolute privilege to choose, produce, and host May’s guest – Karen Broder. A wordsmith, singer, musician, performance artist, raconteur, provocateur. “I’ve been called all kind of names and most of them are true. But that doesn’t tell the whole story.” Karen’s inimitable humor creatively crafts an arsenal of anecdotes to battle the forces of frustration — both real or Imagined.

You will absolutely love this show, the only disappointing part is it doesn’t go on longer! Karen will regale and reveal some of the stories she spins to throw shade at serious, if not, trivial irritations. Enjoy a dose of home grown ‘Humor Infusion’ to whet your psyche with laughter, art, and song.

Karen is one of our very first art friends, and a beloved member of our community. It has been a pleasure getting to know Karen, and you’ll get to know her even better after this show.

Watch here: