AnCan was deeply honored to co-present the webinar “Prostate Cancer Connections: Genetics, Genomics and Prostate Cancer” with US Too International.

For the second of our three Prostate Cancer Connections webinars, we offer a discussion on genetics, genomics and prostate cancer. About this exciting emerging topic, panelist Katie Stoll states, “Genetic testing technology is changing rapidly and there are a growing number of genetic testing options available. We’re here to help you sort through the wealth of information in this new age of genetics. Our goal is to provide objective expertise and latest developments.”

Recorded on Thursday, October 15, 2020, you’ll enjoy hearing from distinguished panelists Heather H. Cheng, MD, PhD  (Director, Prostate Cancer Genetics Clinic, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance),  Katie Stoll, MS, LGC (Executive Director, Genetic Support Foundation), James Barrett DeLong  (Patient Perspective, University of Washington School of Social Work, Lecturer Emeritus), Janet Shimabukuro (Patient Perspective).

Watch this outstanding webinar here:


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