Where in the world is best for a radical prostatectomy?

Ever wondered whether medical tourism makes sense for a radial prostatectomy? After all, most of us are well aware that a RP comes with significant expectations for erectile dysfunction and incontinence. A recent paper in JCO Global Oncology analyses surgical outcomes in 10 countries covering almost 22,000 men, although by far the most (72%) come from Germany. Notably none are Scandinavian where we already know Active Surveillance (AS) for men with Low/Intermediate risk prostate cancer (PCa) is highest.

If you’ve been paying attention to our AS Mods, in particular  Howard Wolinsky, you will already know that the US lags far behind when it comes to treating suitable men with AS. This study confirms 84% of men treated in the US were Stage 1 and 26% were Grade Group 1. Only the Barbers of Seville performed more aggressively treating 88% of T1 and 27% in GG1.  The Brits were way out ahead treating just 13% of men with T1, 9% in GG1. G-d Bless the National Health Service and its cost saving measures.

Sexual dysfunction reported a fairly tight band between 40-53%. The happiest campers were those singing Waltzing Matilda in Oz, while the Brits were the loudest complainers, although Canada was slightly higher when weighted. US was in the middle.

Those Spanish toreadors caused the most urinary bother at 54% (33% when weighted) albeit 29% reported issues going in. The Italians only reported 1% after surgery and 10% before… either those Italian surgeons are true maestros, or the Signore are not being honest. USA was right around average at 9%.

The main caveats in the study are the huge variance in respondent numbers between countries with a heavy bias to Germany. The researchers also recognize that men in different countries may answer the survey referencing different standards. All told, this is the fist ever comparative study…  and for me personally, I’d stick to the beaches and the Prado when visiting Spain!

There are a lot of numbers to plough through here, and a Mike Wyn deserves a big shout out for helping us get through them. If you want to dig into them yourselves, you’ll find the link at https://ascopubs.org/doi/pdfdirect/10.1200/GO.23.00420