(Editor’s Note: What a meeting ….. 26 particpants with SIX (6) new men; 2 under 60 ….. in particular, catch John G and Doug M.)

Topics Discussed

8 months of treatment and docs say no more can be done!!; de novo penile metastasis; recurrent PCa in younger man; disease returns after 10 years!; de novo Mx Dx for scientist at NIH; HT side effects; atonic (non-contracting) bladder; intimacy references; weekly docetaxel regime; metformin recall

Chat Log

Len (to Everyone): 5:10 PM: www.ancan.org

Peter Kafka (to Organizer(s) Only): 5:22 PM: Micro Satelite Instability

Len (to Everyone): 5:29 PM: Genitourinary Oncologist

Peter Kafka (to Organizer(s) Only): 5:33 PM: Sir – Spheres for Liver Cancer mets

joed2: 5:34 PM: Microspheres for liver lesions

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 5:38 PM: rd@ancan.org

Ancan – Rick (to Everyone): 6:12 PM: clinicaltrials.gov

Russ Smith (to Everyone): 6:34 PM: Under-60 Advanced Prostate Cancer July 9 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EDT |Recurring Event (See all) GoTo Meeting – Barniskis Room      Back in mid-2012, the US Preventative Services Task Force first made the following recommendation with an associated D Grade: The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends against prostate-specific antigen (PSA)–based screening for prostate cancer. At the time, prostate cancer advocates objected strongly, warning it would result in many more men diagnosed de novo metastatic, and ultimately more disease specific deaths. Sadly, we have seen this manifested, especially with respect to younger men. AnCan clearly sees the trend along with a lack of support…

Ken Anderson (to Everyone): 6:36 PM: good post Russ….

John I (to Everyone): 6:47 PM: walter stadler is at U of Chicago–I saw russell szmulewitz at U of C & loved him bue insurancacemade me stop John I (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: alicia morgans https://www.nm.org/doctors/1417011529/alicia-k-morgans-md-mph

Russ Smith (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: Joe, email me at *******. I am from Chicago and on ADT, Lupron and Casodex, I use Trimix.

John I (to Everyone): 6:52 PM: Alicia Morgans’ telephone 312.695.0990 John I (to Everyone): 7:05 PM: Thanks MUCH for your hospitality everyone

Ken Anderson (to Everyone): 7:06 PM: thanks for stopping by……