Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Aug 13, 2024

AnCan is grateful to the following sponsors for making this recording possible: Bayer, Foundation Medicine, Janssen, Myriad Genetics, Novartis, Telix & Blue Earth Diagnostics.
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Editor’s Pick: Exercising when it even hurts to walk; building muscle without T (bn)
Topics Discussed
Those blahs weren’t Xtandi — they were Covid!; muscle mass without testosterone — not an exercise in futility; “Mr Hot Flash” is doing pretty well on Orgovyx; at age 59, “head-to-toe bones mets” and PSA of 1,440; PSMA scan isn’t enough before Pluvicto — get a recent somatic test; with the mets, it hurts so damn much to walk — how to exercise?; denosumab has an edge over Zometa for bone health, and Zometa monthly is too much; coming off second drug holiday, discouraging news — ; recurrence suggests he’s “castrate resistant” even though he’s getting no ADT; radium instead of Pluvicto for bone-only mets?; the new “Mr Hot Flash” learns about Embr Watch; a two-fer radiation will get both his prostate and the met on his pelvic bone; mixed feelings on rectal spacers for radiation; Dr. Chuck Ryan now at Sloan Kettering, soon accepting new patient; why all this trial information from Merck on Facebook?
Chat Log
AnCan  – rick · 6:25 PM
ACSM trainer finder….. look for Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer  https://certification2.acsm.org/profinder?_ga=2.139239987.1600007473.1525799292-1759941655.1523997371
AnCan  – rick · 6:27 PM
http://medafit.org   Medafit
Richard Fiske · 6:30 PM
Must leave.  Thanks.
Unknown · 6:33 PM
It’s called High Intensity Weight Training (HIT)
Unknown · 6:36 PM
Also called Superslow Weight Training
AnCan  – rick · 7:26 PM
Embr watch  https://embrlabs.com/