Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Jan 24, 2023


Dr. Mark Scholz revisits his indictment of prostate cancer overtreatment in next Monday’s webinar, “Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers – 13 years later!” He’ll also field questions about all stages of prostate treatment — send questions now to Joe Gallo, joeg@ancan.org. Jan 30, 8.00 pm Eastern; register at https://bit.ly/3jN3wAk. Registrants will also get a link to the recording.

All AnCan’s groups are free and drop-in … join us in person sometime! You can find out more about our 12 monthly prostate cancer meetings at https://ancan.org/prostate-cancer/
Sign up to receive a weekly Reminder/Newsletter for this Group or others at https://ancan.org/contact-us/

Join our other free and drop in groups:
Men (Only) Speaking Freely …1st & 3rd Thursdays @ 8.00 pm Eastern
Veterans Healthcare … 4th Thursday @ 8.00 pm Eastern https://ancan.org/veterans/

Editor’s pick: Radiation, surgery — or none of the above? (bn)

Topics Discussed

Gleason 9 at age 82, and both surgery and radiation look hazardous; cooling doc’s jets on immediate treatment; “triplet” therapy has a piece missing; do mets show up on PSMA PET even at low PSA?; UCSD or UCSF for Palm Springs resident?; biopsy for “unimpressive” lung nodule?; Crohn’s plus radiation therapy ends in severe rectal damage; triple good news on iron, neuro, cardio; puzzling over “0.9” score for P53 mutation; PSMA and genetic testing seem his best options; long after prostatectomy, urinary problems; pain gone after Herb Geller’s spine surgery; which doc for blood in urine?; new genetic test from Myriad; American Cancer Society’s numbers game.

Chat Log

Ben Nathanson · 6:15 PM For anyone interested in the trial drug Pat Martin mentioned last week (capivasertib), I’ve written about how it works: https://bennathanson.substack.com/p/caught-in-the-akt

Paul Freda · 6:45 PM If anyone has had experience with a spot on their Pancreas (NOT Prostate), please contact me. Paul Freda pfreda@gmail.com Thank you.

Jim Marshall, Alexandria, VA · 6:55 PM If anyone is considering ADT, ensure you ask for and get a Baseline TESTOSTERONE number. This will be helpful for when you come off of ADT. You will know how high you hope the the level testosterone should return to.

Les Schjelderup · 6:57 PM Agree with Jim.

Joe Gallo · 6:57 PM Adding to Jim Marshall – before ADT also get a DEXA Scan (bone density scan)

Julian – Houston · 7:03 PM Totally agree! This was the protocol I followed.

Joel Blanchette, Miami Beach, FL · 7:07 PM I am at 4 on Orgovyx

Frank Fabish Columbus OH · 7:09 PM Guys I got to get going. On Sunday Gail and I will be heading to Orlando for Myovant annual meeting to present our stories as a patient ambassador and caregiver ambassador for Orgovyx. I will update all in first Zoom in February.

Alan Moskowitz · 7:10 PM I was at 15 after 2 months of Xtandi and Lupron.

Joe Gallo · 7:14 PM WEBINAR – ‘The Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers: 13 years Later’: An Evening with Dr. Mark Scholz It’s for those of us on Active Surveillance (AS), those considering AS, as well as everyone else with more advanced prostate cancer, and everyone in between. Dr. Mark Scholz, co-author of the groundbreaking 2010 book: “The Invasion of The Prostate Snatchers”, will be joining to discuss where we are 13 years later. Spoiler alert: Things are better but the invaders still are snatching and nuking large numbers of prostates unnecessarily. Join us for this fantastic evening Monday, Jan 30, 2023 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Registration URL https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3476369222172706645

Harrison M. (Myriad Genetics) · 7:42 PM the number is reported at around 10-15% men

Harrison M. (Myriad Genetics) · 7:44 PM Tamsulosin

AnCan – rick · 7:44 PM tamsulosin, Flomax