Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, July 15, 2024


Clinical Trials 101: Common Myths and Facts Date:

Wednesday July 31, 8.00 pm Eastern

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AnCan is grateful to the following sponsors for making this recording possible: Bayer, Foundation Medicine, Janssen, Myriad Genetics, Novartis, Telix & Blue Earth Diagnostics.
If you’d like to see the AnCan Moderators picks of the best at ASCO24, visit https://ancan.org/patient-highlights-from-the-2024-asco-conference/ for links to slides and to the recording.
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Editor’s Pick: Gleason 10 de novo going strong 9 years later; sons need baseline PSAs starting at age 35 (bn)

Topics Discussed

De novo Gleason 10 got up-front triplet therapy — and his PSA is still low 9 years later; make sure your mutations are right for Pluvicto; Gemtesa helped him manage a full bladder for radiation; cellulitis isn’t uncommon in radiation therapy, bleach baths may help; the many steps of Mark Finn’s journey to hospice — when is it time to throw in the towel?; SBRT has replaced brachytherapy for many radoncs; there’s not just one kind of rectal spacer for radiation — there are three; important to get the right team, focused on genitourinary care, for radiation; “exercise enthusiastically — kills hot flashes — my personal experience”; PSA undetectable — why all these scans?; thumbs down on Walter Reed for prostatectomies; if you have kids, have them get a baseline PSA at age 35; a son’s PSA of 2.7 at age 39 is “definitely not normal” and an MRI is in the works; entrolled in a trial targeting SPOP mutation — side effects aren’t bad, but also no PSA improvement.

Chat Log
AnCan – rick · 8:30 PM
AnCan – rick · 8:34 PM
Elizabeth Guancial , Sarasota
John A · 8:37 PM
“Anticancer Lifestyle Program”  is good
Dr. Jeff · 8:39 PM
AnCan Barniskis Room · 8:42 PM
Also check out https://www.prostatecancer.news/?m=1  This review suggests that diet may not be as effective as thought.
AnCan – rick · 8:43 PM
Guardant study on mutations and Pluvicto https://ascopubs.org/doi/pdf/10.1200/JCO.2024.42.4_suppl.82
AnCan – rick · 8:45 PM
UCSF Nutrition for Prostate Cancer  https://www.ucsfhealth.org/education/nutrition-and-prostate-cancer
AnCan – rick · 8:48 PM
Cancer Fighting Kitchen,   Rebecca Katz
AnCan – rick · 8:54 PM
Dial-in:  (646) 749-3129  #222-583-973
Dr. Jeff · 8:58 PM
John A · 9:08 PM
Hi David I see your hand is up.  What’s up?           John
David H · 9:12 PM
I callled in on the number.  Since it is so late let me get on the next call
David H · 9:14 PM
Joel Blanchette, Reston, VA · 9:18 PM
Do you have a palliative care doc?
David H · 9:18 PM
thanks Jim
Jim Marshall, Alexandria, VA – mPC · 9:37 PM
David is David Hobbs.    jim
David H · 10:03 PM
Thanks Joel.  I’ll contact you
Joel Blanchette, Reston, VA · 10:04 PM
John A · 10:04 PM
somewhat related: I’ve read that if the PSA <.5 at 50 years old, you will not die of prostate cancer
Dr. Jeff · 10:13 PM
sorry I’ve got to jump.
THOMAS  Matica · 10:15 PM
Nick Young · 10:17 PM
Sorry I have to run. Meeting has been great guys!  Nick