Low/Intermediate PCa Video Chat, Aug 26, 2024

AnCan is grateful to the following sponsors for making this recording possible: Bayer, Foundation Medicine, Janssen, Myriad Genetics, Novartis, Telix & Blue Earth Diagnostics.

WELCOME all to our newly recorded Low/Intermediate Prostate Cancer Group. To receive notice when new recordings are posted, either follow us on this YouTube Channel or sign up to our Blog via https://ancan.org/contact-us/ – check New Blog box.

Join our other free and drop in groups:
AnCan respectfully notes that it does not accept sponsored promotion. Any drugs, protocols or devices recommended in our discussions are based solely on anecdotal peer experience or clinical evidence.
AnCan cannot and does not provide medical advice. We encourage you to discuss anything you hear in our sessions with your own medical team.
AnCan reminds all Participants that Adverse Events experienced from prescribed drugs or protocols should be reported to the pharmaceutical manufacturer or the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). To do so call 1-800-332-1066 or download interactive FDA Form 3500 https://www.fda.gov/media/76299/download
AnCan’s Prostate Cancer Forum is back (https://ancan.org/forums). If you’d like to comment on anything you see in our Recordings or read in our Reminders, just sign up and go right ahead. You can also click on the Forum icon at the top right of the webpage.
All AnCan’s groups are free and drop-in … join us in person sometime!

Editor’s Pick: Leverage second opinions when in decision making mode (bj)

Topics Discussed

Following PSA levels after prostatectomy — how low, how fast, how often; understanding undetectable PSA following surgery; newly diagnosed seeks second opinion; active surveillance; getting the most out of in-person medical conferences; focal vs definitive treatment; germline (inherited mutation) testing and the Promise Study; Post radiation urinary issues — irritation and flow; managing symptoms of long covid during radiation treatment; importance of getting a second opinion from a prostate cancer center of excellence; attending PCRI conference — visit AnCan

Chat Log

Boykin Jordan (DC Metro)
A lot of fun!

Jerry Grimes, Brighton, MI
Oops, I had the wrong meeting!  All the best, and I’ll show myself out…  😊

AnCan – rick
Trends in Active Surveillance for Men With Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer   https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2822716

AnCan Barniskis Room
This Weds 7:30 pm PT Kelly Spillman a comedian who does a stand-up comedy routine about living with cancer will perform online at ANCAN Solo Arts Heal. Please share this if you know someone dealing with cancer. Kelly Spillman is a psychology professor, stand-up comedian and storyteller based in Los Angeles. Kelly has performed at The Comedy Store, The Improv and many comedy festivals around the country. She is currently touring her solo show I Blame Florida which is a humorous, hopeful show about her quest to beat her stage 4 colon cancer diagnosis. To Watch: Click On :https://themarsh.org/soloartsheal/ Scroll down to mid-page where you can click to view in Zoom or YouTube

AnCan – rick
Promise study https://www.prostatecancerpromise.org/?utm_campaign=ANCAN&utm_medium=link&utm_source=Webinar

AnCan – rick
Darryl – here’s our phone number to dial in 646 749 3129   #222 583 973

Jim Stewart   Reno, NV
have to sign off to get grandkids, goodnight everyone

AnCan – rick
Is he new??

AnCan – rick

AnCan – rick
NCI Centers  http://www.cancer.gov/research/nci-role/cancer-centers/find

AnCan – rick
NCCN http://www.nccn.org/members/network.aspx