Dr. Brian Helfand, (Head of Urology at NorthShore University HealthSystem) gave the second webinar in the four-part series called “Active Surveillance & Beyond” on September 29, 2020. His topic was genomics, genetics, and decision-making in active surveillance. He explains the pros and cons of the leading tests in the field and who may be a candidate for such testing. We want to thank Dr. Helfand for taking the time to answer several of our attendees’ questions at the end of his excellent presentation.

Also making an appearance, our AS Virtual Support Group moderators and community members, Joe Gallo, Elliot Kerman, Howard Wolinsky. Including special guests: Jim Schraidt (Chairman of Us TOO), and Beau Stubblefield-Tave (Executive Director at Us TOO).

Watch this fascinating and informative webinar here:


To view the slides from this webinar, click here.

Register for future webinars in our AS Series:

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