On April 7th, we had a packed house to see Dr. Andres F. Correa (Fox Chase Cancer Center’s Department of Surgery in the Urologic Oncology Division) at our Active Surveillance Virtual Support Group.

He briefed our community on two of the hottest technologies in the field: transperineal biopsies and micro-ultrasound. He explained that TP biopsies virtually eliminate deadly septic infections and also offer the urologist easier access to the anterior section of the prostate gland. Correa said his group uses micro-ultrasound imaging of the prostate as a complement to mpMRI imaging.

We want to thank Dr. Correa for providing such helpful information!

Watch this presentation here:


To view the slides from this presentation, click here.

For information on our peer-led video chat ACTIVE SURVEILLANCE PROSTATE CANCER VIRTUAL SUPPORT GROUP, click here.

To SIGN UP for the Group or any other of our AnCan Virtual Support groups, visit our Contact Us page.