Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Apr 11, 2023

AnCan is grateful to the following sponsors for making this recording posssible: Bayer, Foundation Medicine, Pfizer, Janssen, Myriad Gentics, Myovant & Telix

WEBINAR RECORDING: What is a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist – & why you need one

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Editor’s pick: Cutting-edge diagnostics guide his treatment…but didn’t stop a new tumor. (BN)

Topics Discussed

Talked into HIFU with Gleason 8; finally back to full dose of meds after financial aid; awaiting CT scans for PSA rise 18 months post-chemo; proteomics and RNA sequencing on his new non-PSMA-avid tumor; looking for GU medical oncologist in Seattle area; testosterone is back, PSA and erectile function are undetectable — “2 out of 3 ain’t bad”; red clover, red clover, send the right brand over for hot flashes — or give acupuncture a try; upturn for Professor Herb, but still pushing to connect him with appropriate care; after 40th hyperbaric treatment, cystitis is under control; MSK wants a fly-by as he prepares for SBRT; settling on a dosage tweak for darolutamide; eyeing the future after 4th cycle on BAT

Chat Log

Unknown · 6:14 PM It’s a prostate cancer patient with a family history of prostate cancer who has been treating / managing his cancer with intermittent hormone therapy for 18 years. Diagnosed at age 55. Now, obviously, 73. Says he feels as good today as he did then. Why I am more apt at this time to continue this same course and out off radiation therapy.

Unknown · 6:15 PM *put off*

Unknown · 6:16 PM What is a high flue treatment?

AnCan- rick · 6:17 PM HIFU …. high frequency ultrasound

Unknown · 6:18 PM What prompted the psma?

AnCan- rick · 6:19 PM Rising PSA

John A · 6:25 PM Dr Sheade looks like a medical heme/onc. I don’t see any GU specialty

George Rovder, Arlington VA · 6:26 PM Jori Schede MD https://www.nm.org/doctors/1235587643/jori-b-sheade-md

AnCan- rick · 6:29 PM genitourinary medical oncologist

David Muslin · 6:29 PM https://www.cancer.northwestern.edu/find-a-physician/search.html?s=prostate

Julian – Houston · 6:36 PM Need to leave and maybe back later.

Alan Babcock · 6:49 PM What are the possible negative consequences of the treatment you are recommending? What are
the different treatments you considered?

Richard Tolbert · 6:54 PM Patient Access Network Foundation:

Richard Tolbert · 6:55 PM Email: www.panfoundation.org

George Rovder, Arlington VA · 7:06 PM Thank you all for your caring support. See you next time. George

AnCan- rick · 7:10 PM Michael Schweitzer, Evan Yu , Heather Chang

Pat Martin · 7:10 PM Fred Hutch is very active in trials, also.

AnCan- rick · 7:10 PM https://www.seattlecca.org/physicians/heather-h-cheng

AnCan- rick · 7:11 PM Heather Cheng

AnCan- rick · 7:12 PM https://www.seattlecca.org/providers/evan-y-yu

AnCan- rick · 7:13 PM https://www.fredhutch.org/en/labs/profiles/schweizer-michael.html

AnCan- rick · 7:14 PM also for Schweizer … https://www.seattlecca.org/physicians/michael-schweizer

Len Sierra · 7:41 PM From Mt. Sinai, NYC: Several studies of a proprietary extract of red clover isoflavones
suggest that it may significantly reduce hot flashes in menopausal women. However, the largest study showed no effect.

Len Sierra · 7:43 PM https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/herb/red-clover#

Jack · 7:49 PM By reputation Himesha Beltran MD at Dana Farber, formerly in NYC is the neuroendocrine guru. I am
sure Rick already knows this but I have heard about her for quite a while. How to hook Herb’s treatment time up with her may be a challenge.

AnCan- rick · 7:54 PM Jack – the two docs on our list are Beltran and Aggarwal, We have direct connnections – but
we will not make them unless a responsible NEC onc is in charge.

Unknown · 7:58 PM NIH definition of Palliative care … https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/

AnCan- rick · 8:01 PM From the link above ….. What is palliative care? Palliative care is specialized medical
care for people living with a serious illness, such as cancer or heart failure. Patients in palliative care may receive medical care for their symptoms, or palliative care, along with treatment intended to cure their serious illness. Palliative care is meant to enhance a person’s current care by focusing on quality of life for them and their family.