Recently a very good friend of AnCan’s introduced me to Dr. Moyez Jiwad the Co-Editor for The Journal of Health Design. Dr. Jiwad has a podcast interviewing interesting and unusual actors in the healthcare field. I guess he concluded that “Yours Truly” qualified on both accounts, so Dr. J and I sat down about 3 weeks ago – late on a Sunday afternoon, early Monday morning for him in Oz.

The first time I listened to one of Moyez’ interviews, and many are worth a listen, his Irish accent stood right out – probably because I was not expecting to hear those gentle, melodic tones from a Kenyan born Asian living in Melbourne, Australia!

Dr. J was a delight to speak with, and you can hear the results by listening to our audio interview.  We delve into what motivated me to work in this field and how AnCan came about.

Onward & upwards