Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Oct 12, 2021

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Oct 12, 2021

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Oct 12, 2021

All AnCan’s groups are free and drop-in – join us in person sometime! You can find out more about this and our other 10 monthly prostate cancer groups at https://ancan.org/prostate-cancer/.

To sign up to receive a weekly Reminder/Newsletter for this Group or others, go to https://ancan.org/contact-us/.

Editor’s Pick: How do you explain to your medical team that AnCan is a great resource – some guys address that this week (unsolicited!!!) rd

Topics Discussed

High Risk diagnosis poses treatment questions; composing questions to ask your doc; addressing lung nodules; intestinal issues from enzalutamide???; testosterone is flowing back; talking to your medical team about AnCan; using Trimix; serial chemo may not be working; Caregiver has dad resisting treatment; trouble switchng medical oncologists.

Chat Log

Sylvester Mann (to Everyone): 3:32 PM: Good seeing you also. I’m doing ok. I have not been attending because I get the time mixed up plus I not usually home at this tine (smile).

Herb Geller (to Organizer(s) Only): 3:40 PM: So I got into Reel Recovery for next Monday. https://reelrecovery.org

Jake Hannam (to Organizer(s) Only): 3:41 PM: Congrats! Have fun!

Bill Franklin (to Organizer(s) Only): 3:42 PM: Man! Rick told me about that and I looked at it but will have to plan carefully in order to get in there. I hope you have a great time!

Jake Hannam (to Organizer(s) Only): 4:29 PM: https://ancan.org/category/recorded-groups/

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 4:29 PM: https://ancan.org/category/recorded-groups/

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 4:30 PM: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOX221U27DhVDCe3Ozz2rDg

John Antonucci (Private): 4:50 PM: thanks

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 5:10 PM: https://ancan.org/peer-advice-on-managing-your-medical-team/

Joe Gallo (to Everyone): 5:13 PM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdk3HZUEVfY

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Oct 12, 2021

CORRECT LINK: Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Oct 4, 2021

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Oct 4, 2021

(Apologies for the multiple confusions re. links and disappearing videos on YouTube!  Thanks to RS for the heads-up and hopefully we have resolved and this works fine: rd)


2 survey opportunities still open …… and AnCan receives a donation for each approved respondent.

……. if you experience a cough or shortness of breath and are in any type of active treatment, including for urinary issues, there is an opportunity to earn $100 for 60 minutes of time from your home computer. The cough or shortness of breath does not have to be related to your diagnosis or treatment. If interested, please go to https://gigs.savvy.coop/stcancer/?r=a…

…… if you have experienced mouth swelling and sores (stomatitis) as a result of past or current treatment, there is another opportunity to earn $100 for 60 minutes of time from your home computer. If interested, please go to https://gigs.savvy.coop/cancer-stomat…

Editor’s Pick:   Lots of talk this week about switching docs and when to get a GU med onc involved.(rd)

Topics Discussed

Chemotherapy and mood swings; exercise duing chemo; can you avoid HT with advanced disease?; when’s the time to switch to a GU med onc?; Pylarify vs Ga68 PSMA R11; with advanced disease, is 0.298 a low enough nadir?; 2nd pembro dose after cytokine storm; pancreatic spot stable; 1st cabazitaxel tolerable; daily prednisone w. chemo???; GU med onc refuses to measure testosterone; using ibuprofen

Chat Log

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 5:37 PM: Genitourinary

Alan Moskowitz (to Everyone): 5:51 PM: Just an update on the availability of Pylarify PSMA scans, Mt Sinai Hospital in NYC has just received written confirmation (Wednesday Sept 29) that Medicare will cover the standard 80% of the cost. They are currently scheduling. You can find out more by calling their PET/CT Nuclear Medicine lab at 212-241-7775. I was also advised that Medicare supplement insurers legally must pay their share if Medicare covers their share.

Stephen Saft (to Everyone): 5:52 PM: That is great! Thanks for the information.

Joe Gallo (to Everyone): 6:00 PM: Nick at W La VA. Nicholas.Nickols@va.gov

ake Hannam (to Everyone): 6:06 PM: https://ancan.org/

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 6:15 PM: https://www.practiceupdate.com/C/123770/56?elsca1=emc_enews_topic-alert Cardiovascular Safety of Degarelix vs Leuprolide in Patients With Prostate Cancer

Stephen Saft (to Everyone): 6:16 PM: I agree that people with prostate cancer should go to a Medical Oncologist that specializes only in Prostate Cancer. They are conversant with all of the research and new developments. There are new developments every day.

Stephen Saft (to Everyone): 6:18 PM: What is an R11 Scan?

Alan Moskowitz (to Everyone): 6:23 PM: Rick said the R11 relates to the Gallium PSMA scan available only in 2 California sites.

Stephen Saft (to Everyone): 6:30 PM: I heard that. I believe that Gallium 68 is the more common name for that scan. (NB…. there are several different ligands married to Ga68 that seek out PSMA. R11 is the FDA approved one at UCSF and UCLA. There are other ligands like R617 still awaiting approval. rd)

Joe Gallo (to Everyone): 6:32 PM: PSMA PET PYL is/will be more available as compared to Gallium-68 which requires a radionuclide generator on site due to limited half-life.

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 6:33 PM: Good point, Joe.

Rick Davis (to Everyone): 6:35 PM: Guancial https://flcancer.com/en/physician/elizabeth-guancial-md/

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 6:36 PM: Nubeqa (darolutamide)

Ted Healy- Portland, OR. (to Everyone): 6:58 PM: Gotta go folks. Thank you be safe!

Rick Davis (to Everyone): 6:59 PM: tx for your advice to Christo Ted

Joe Gallo (to Everyone): 7:06 PM: Nick is Dr. Berengi’s admin. He will give you the details and schedule. He is a very easy going guy. Probaby easier to contact. However Dr B is also a very personable guy and willing to talk.

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 7:18 PM: I gotta go. See you next week.

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Oct 12, 2021

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Sep 28, 2021

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Sep 28, 2021

2 survey opportunities still open …… and AnCan receives a donation for each approved respondent.

…. if you experience a cough or shortness of breath and are in any type of active treatment, including for urinary issues, there is an opportunity to earn $100 for 60 minutes of time from your home computer. The cough or shortness of breath does not have to be related to your diagnosis or treatment. If interested, please go to https://gigs.savvy.coop/stcancer/?r=a

…. if you have experienced mouth swelling and sores (stomatitis) as a result of past or current treatment, there is another opportunity to earn $100 for 60 minutes of time from your home computer. If interested, please go to https://gigs.savvy.coop/cancer-stomat .

Editor’s Pick: On a serious note, the discussion around how much HT with salvage radiation. On a fun note, Rusty’s experiecne at Reel Recovery and Jerry D’s fish take the bait! (rd)

Topics Discussed

Community cancer center provides sub-optimal advanced care; what’s the right duration for hormone therapy with salvage radiation; BAT and Xofigo whilst waiting for Lu177; switching docs … and will IHT be next?; wack-a-mole spot RT vs systemic treatment; Double J stents anyone? (let us know at info@ancan.org); visiting the military golf course; fun cancer retreats

Chat Log

Alan Moskowitz (to Everyone): 3:11 PM: This is the radiology lab that does Pylarify scans. https://www.woodburnmed.com/our-services. James Marshall, their coordinator said they have worked out the requirements and details to obtain Medicare coverage, and for major secondary insurers. They have done 70 Pylarify scans so far and consider themselves as leading edge. they are in Virginia, near the Washington DC area. They were the first to do Axumin scans in the DC area.

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 3:13 PM: I looked at their web site and they seem to be well prepared

Joe Gallo (to Organizer(s) Only): 3:26 PM: If Gary is a Vet he can still get the PSMA PET Pyl at no cost at the LA VA (UCLA)

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 3:29 PM: Gary could easily get to National Airport and then to the center in Annadale for a scan

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 3:34 PM: When I went off 2*5; I went cold turkey. Did not seem to cause any problems. Sometimes I just ignore side effects

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 3:35 PM: Pat – you are very lucky. I had a friend who lost 30 lbs or more and lost his appetite for months.

Bruce Bocian (to Everyone): 3:40 PM: I got my G68 at U of M

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 3:43 PM: Next meeting is Monday at 8:00 PM EST

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 3:46 PM: Dr. Lin is my Uro/Onc. I have the utmost regard for him.

Ben Nathanson (to Everyone): 3:50 PM: Assessing the Role and Optimal Duration of Hormonal Treatment in Association with Salvage Radiation Therapy After Radical Prostatectomy: Results from a Multi-Institutional Study https://www.europeanurology.com/article/S0302-2838(19)30112-5/fulltext (AnCan has full text – info@ancan.org)

Herb Geller (to Organizer(s) Only): 3:55 PM: Thanks, Ben. Very nice study.

David Muslin (to Everyone): 3:55 PM: Mark, I know how hard it is to be on ADT however, it’s great insurance not to have a recurrence.

Joe Gallo (to Organizer(s) Only): 3:56 PM: Off to the 50 Vets call. Goodnite.

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 3:59 PM: I have a similiar Dx with a Gl-9(5+4) in 2014, radiation. Was on ADT for 30 months. A vacation then PSA started rising. Now I’m back on ADT. Have Keytruda as a back up.

Herb Geller (to Organizer(s) Only): 4:00 PM: I’m on denosumab and bone density actually went up in a year.

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 4:03 PM: Cardiovascular Safety of Degarelix vs Leuprolide in Patients With Prostate Cancer Circulation; Sep 28, 2021 https://www.practiceupdate.com/C/123770/56?elsca1=emc_enews_topic-alert

Mark Baldridge (to Everyone): 4:04 PM: Thank you very much for so much helpful information.

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 4:04 PM: UWMC has a ‘clinic’ in Tacoma. Dr. Schweitzer is a good Med/Onc with SCCA also affiliated with UWMC (Fred Hutch)

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 4:06 PM: ORGOVYX™ (relugolix)

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 4:13 PM: Schweitzer is good, younger GU med onc. He knows AnCan – has done a seminar.

Pat Martin (to Everyone): 4:16 PM: I’ve mentioned AnCan to him a lot of the times I’ve seen him…4x a year for the last 7 years.

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 4:23 PM: Gents …… we featured an article on agonist vs antagonist LHRH and their CVD impact back in 9/14/21 Reminder

John Ivory (to Everyone): 4:49 PM: I was asked to be an Orgovyx ambassador, but they wanted me to give access to my medical records for the agency that runs it; I decided to pull out. Didn’t want non-clinicians in my medical records

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 4:51 PM: https://reelrecovery.com

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Oct 12, 2021

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Sep 20, 2021

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Sep 20, 2021


3 survey opportunities have come our way for you …… and AnCan receives a donation for each approved respondent:

…… if you are taking or have taken and stopped relugolix (Orgovyx), you can earn upto $200 for 80 min of your time, mostly a one-on-one interview. Or, upto $350 if you interview together with your caregiver. Please reach out to us via info@ancan.org and we’ll connect you.

……. if you experience a cough or shortness of breath and are in any type of active treatment, including for urinary issues, there is an opportunity to earn $100 for 60 minutes of time from your home computer. The cough or shortness of breath does not have to be related to your diagnosis or treatment. If interested, please go to https://gigs.savvy.coop/stcancer/?r=a

….. if you have experienced mouth swelling and sores (stomatitis) as a result of past or current treatment, there is another opportunity to earn $100 for 60 minutes of time from your home computer. If interested, please go to https://gigs.savvy.coop/cancer-stomat…

AnCan Webinars next week …..

Sep 29 Dr. Klotz – world renowned urologist https://bit.ly/394uxXB

Sep 30 Nancy Novack – 10 favorite from her list https://bit.ly/3nTHBaJ

Editor’s Pick: Changing your doc comes up multiple times this week – make sure you find one with whom you connect! One other takeaway – don’t test if it don’t make a difference! (rd)

Topics Discussed

Embr’s Wave – now and agin later; Testosterone returns quickl for man in 70’s; treating metastatic disease in N. Florida; Pylarify reimbursed by Medicare; Bipolar Androgen Therapy; ‘ABC’ man dives into cabazitaxel; chemo side effects; Amazon Smile pitch; more WAVE; any relationship between abi and highh clacium?; PSA fluctuatuing on abi; what’s next? – cabazitaxel or Radium 223; peripheroal neuropathy and Vit B6; switch docs to find a good fit with YOU!

Chat Log

Joe Gallo (to Everyone): 5:48 PM: Eleni Efstathiou, Houston Methodist; Paul Corn MD Anderson

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 5:56 PM: https://ancan.org/

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 6:03 PM: Dr. Elizabeth Guancial

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 6:04 PM: https://flcancer.com/en/physician/elizabeth-guancial-md/

Joe Gallo (to Organizer(s) Only): 6:09 PM: She could also do a preview interview via telemed Dr. E website says she will accept video visits

Rusty (to Everyone): 6:14 PM: Off to Fly Fish thanks to Reel Recovery. A dream trip to northern ME all comp. via Reel Recovery. Check it out. I believe this trip would cost $2,400 if paying your own way. 3 days and 2 nights, everything included, even a personal guide and instructor. All for guys living with cancer.

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 6:16 PM: I’ve heard of Reel Recovery, Rusty, and I’ve been wanting to do it, too. Sounds like a great program!

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 6:16 PM: Sounds great,

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 6:21 PM: ABC Club …. Anything But Chemo

Maria Cintia (to Everyone): 6:26 PM: thanks for let me know, I call tomorrow

AnCan – rick (to Maria Cintia): 6:27 PM: Maria …… Dr. E will do a telemed appointment I believe. Here is her Houston Methodist website .https://www.houstonmethodist.org/doctor/eleni-efstathiou/?inm=vfad And here is a pix of her from ouir Advisory Board https://ancan.org/team/eleni-efstathiou-md-phd/

Julian Morales (to Everyone): 6:30 PM: I check Houston Methodist site and Dr E is accepting Video Visits

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 6:34 PM: Procrit

Joe Gallo (to Organizer(s) Only): 6:43 PM: Epstein says you would need to take 10,000 cores to get the WHOLE prostate.

Joe Gallo (to Everyone): 6:46 PM: Daniel Geynisman Med Onc Fox Chase

Joel Blanchette, Reston, VA (to Everyone): 6:52 PM: I received a report from Amazon today and they said that Ancan had earned over 1,200.00

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 6:55 PM: Tx Joel …… that’s what I thought I read

Maria Cintia (to Everyone): 6:57 PM: I’m leaving the chat now. Thanks to everyone! see you next week

Stephen Saft (to Everyone): 6:58 PM: Thanks for the name. From Fox Chase

Stephen Saft (to Everyone): 7:00 PM: 6+

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 7:00 PM: EMBR Wave EMBR labs

Peter Kafka (to Everyone): 7:19 PM: I started B-6 when I first heard it here and I notice a pretty big diff.

AnCan – rick (to Everyone): 7:24 PM: Orgovyx/ relugolix

Julian Morales (to Everyone): 7:28 PM: see you all next week!

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Oct 12, 2021

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Sep 14, 2021

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat Recording, Sep 14, 2021

To sign up for a Reminder to join in person, please visit https://ancan.org/contact-us/

Looking for a Pylarify PSMA scan – check this website: https://www.pylarify.com/ordering-and…

3 survey opportunities have come our way for you …… and AnCan receives a donation for each approved respondent:

…… if you are taking or have taken and stopped relugolix (Orgovyx), you can earn upto $200 for 80 min of your time, mostly a one-on-one interview. Or, upto $350 if you interview together with your caregiver. Please reach out to us via info@ancan.org and we’ll connect you.

……. if you experience a cough or shortness of breath and are in any type of active treatment, including for urinary issues, there is an opportunity to earn $100 for 60 minutes of time from your home computer. The cough or shortness of breath does not have to be related to your diagnosis or treatment. If interested, please go to https://gigs.savvy.coop/stcancer/?r=a…

…… if you have experienced mouth swelling and sores (stomatitis) as a result of past or current treatment, there is another opportunity to earn $100 for 60 minutes of time from your home computer. If interested, please go to https://gigs.savvy.coop/cancer-stomat…

Editor’s Pick: Loads of cutting edge this week – cytokine storms from pembro or just an infection??? Two men fare diferently with Lu177 PSMA. And heed the warning – don’t pussyfoot when PCa first recurs – it may return.(rd)

Topics Discussed

Caregiver discusses 50+ husband’s metastatic disease; slow moving recurrence requires RT a SECOND time; exercise via a PT???; cytokine storm or just an infection – be sure before more pembro; two experiences from different Lu177 trials; is Pylarify Medciare approved?; agonist ADT resumed after 12-mo holiday with no buffer; low testosterone/metastasis are formula to get Covid booster

Chat Log

Bruce Bocian : 3:21 PM: Berger is our friends Urologist

Jake Hannam : 3:30 PM: Provenge since PSA is low right now?

Stephen Saft (to Everyone): 3:54 PM: Didn’t someone say they have been tolerating 20 Docetaxel treatments because of physical exercise

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 3:55 PM: That would be Iron Man Ken Anderson

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 3:56 PM: Exercise Preserves Physical Function in Prostate Cancer Patients with Bone Metastases. Galvão DA, Taaffe DR, Spry N, Cormie P, Joseph D, Chambers SK, Chee R, Peddle-McIntyre CJ, Hart NH, Baumann FT, Denham J, Baker M, Newton RU. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2018 Mar;50(3):393-399. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001454.

Richard G. (to Everyone): 3:58 PM: Is the value of exercise more for the cardio (running)or for the strength (weights)? Probably both but does one win out over the other? rg

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 3:59 PM: Both are very important/

Richard G. (to Everyone): 3:59 PM: Was John’s recurrence after 10 years after RP caught by having PSA test every 3 months for the 10 years? rg

Maria Anderzunas (to Everyone): 4:00 PM: I wonder that same thing as Richard G with the exercise, cardio or streghth , which is best, both would be optimal I’m sure.

John Vandenberg (to Everyone): 4:02 PM: yes, PSA test every 6 months for 10 years before recurrence; ​must leave – shared computer – thanks very much I’ll be calling in – John

Richard G. (to Everyone): 4:04 PM: tks Richard G. (to Everyone): 4:19 PM: what is the trial name? ​what is the term sidocan storm?

John Antonucci (to Everyone): 4:20 PM: cytokine

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 4:20 PM: cytokine storm

Richard G. (to Everyone): 4:20 PM: tks

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 4:21 PM: Cytokine storm is a result of a massive reaction of the immune system to an insult. Cytokines are hormones released from immune cells that signal to other immune cells, but also affect other cells.

John Antonucci (to Everyone): 4:22 PM: I don’t think it can account for the destrution of the platelets???

Peter Kafka (to Everyone): 4:28 PM: The Keytruda test: IMUDX swab test The resuts came from Soomi Fabian-Aguilar. Indicated I was “Low Risk” for Keytruda. Ordered by Dr. Mark Scholz of Prostate Oncology Specialists. ImuDX Testing – MiraDxhttps://miradx.com › imudx-testing This test predicts the risk of developing immune related adverse events in response to anti-PD1 or anti-PDL1 treatment. Already performing ImuDx Testing? ImuDx …

Stephen Saft (to Everyone): 4:32 PM: is there a possibility that Lu 617 will be approved soon?

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 4:33 PM: John Antonucci: Hematological Side Effects of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: The Example of Immune-Related Thrombocytopenia https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2019.00454/full

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 4:33 PM: All the information we have says that early next year.

Alan Moskowitz (to Everyone): 4:33 PM: Do we know when Medicare will cover Pylarify? (DCF-Pyl – Psma scan)

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 4:35 PM: Alan, I don’t think that is known.

John Antonucci (to Everyone): 4:35 PM: thanks Len got the article

Alan Moskowitz (to Everyone): 4:36 PM: Len – I had heard that possibly it could be covered now, in a private radiology setting vs in a hospital. But have not been able to confirm.

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 4:37 PM: Hmm, that’s seems odd, Alan. You’d think it would be the opposite.

Alan Moskowitz (to Everyone): 4:38 PM: Len – something about ‘pass through’ status is required for hospitals to bill it. I had talked to a rep from the company that makes it, Lantheus, and there was some vague comments that the company was possibly reimbursing radiology centers for the difference in cost for pylarify vs generic tracer. Again – not so clear.

Richard G. (to Everyone): 4:44 PM: Why not a psma pet scan for Alan M?What is the other name for PSMA petscan? “pilarafy”?

Len Sierra (to Everyone): 4:50 PM: 18F-DCFPyL

Alan Moskowitz (to Everyone): 4:53 PM: Richard G – I have also searched for clinical trials for psma scan – but having been in 2 of these already , i have not found any that is relevant.

ALFRED LATIMER (Private): 4:55 PM: I need to leave. See you next time. Thanks again for all your and groups help

AnCan – rick (to ALFRED LATIMER): 4:55 PM: pleasure – stay in touch

Ted Healy (to Everyone): 5:01 PM: Gotta go guys. Thank you!

Jake Hannam (to Everyone): 5:05 PM: i agree JFortunately, the threshhold is 8 months and many people have a bit more time

Herb Geller (to Everyone): 5:10 PM: I gotta go. See you all next week. Richard G. (to Everyone): 5:15 PM: thanks rg