Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Dec 5, 2022

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Dec 5, 2022

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Dec 5, 2022

Back after a two-week holiday hiatus, and Boy – do we have a lot of good action for Recording Participants!! Listen on …

Just a heads-up everyone – mark on your calendar that Dr. E may be joining us on Dec 19 – we’ll start a little early!

December heralds our one and only Fundraising Campaign of the year. All on the AnCan distribution already received our ‘ask’ that also includes AnCan highlights from 2022. We ask you to consider a donation based on the support gained listening to these recordings. Read our letter at https://us14.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/show?id=7976018

All AnCan’s groups are free and drop-in … join us in person sometime! You can find out more about our 12 monthly prostate cancer meetings at https://ancan.org/prostate-cancer/    Sign up to receive a weekly Reminder/Newsletter for this Group or others at https://ancan.org/contact-us/

Join our other free and drop in groups:

  • Men (Only) Speaking Freely …1st & 3rd Thursdays @ 8.00 pm Eastern https://www.gotomeet.me/AnswerCancer
  • Veterans Healthcare … 4th Thursday @ 8.00 pm Eastern https://www.gotomeet.me/AnswerCancer

Editor’s Pick: AnCan surfaces a significant Orgovyx side effect … and what else but anxiety comes up again throughout! (rd)

Topics Discussed

Success with Keytruda/pembro; anxiety recurrence; pain, ,opiates causes question – cancer or spinal deterioration? …and more anxiety; significant Orgovyx interaction with PPI drugs; when to start RT on recurrence post RP; hot spot in gland should trigger action; ARV-766 trial vs restoring blood counts for more chemo and Pluvicto; restarting abi; all steady; hot flashes; more of Keytruda/pembro – may take time; foamy gland PCa stable

Chat Log

Peter Kafka – MAUI to Everyone 05:56 PM I can only be with you for the first hour. Sorry,

Peter Kafka – MAUI to Everyone 05:59 PM Phone in: 646-749-3129 code: 222583973##

Alan Babcock to Everyone 06:00 PM 1 866 890 8931 support number

Tom to Everyone 06:03 PM New person, thanks for hosting!

eric to Everyone 06:14 PM Hello everyone

George Rovder Arlington VA to Everyone 06:45 PM Feldenkreis, as recommended by Larry Fish https://feldenkrais.com/

Herb Geller to Everyone 06:54 PM pantoprazole

Joe Gallo to Organizer(s) only 06:57 PM Is that in the same family as Prilosec

Me to Everyone 07:27 PM Dan Geynisman GU med onc https://www.foxchase.org/daniel-geynisman

Me to Everyone 07:54 PM Ancan50 Embr code

Frank Fabish Columbus OH to Everyone 07:56 PM Thanks for hearing me. Onward and upward. See you all next week.

Tom to Everyone 08:04 PM Thanks for letting me listen in. I was diagnosed last year after months of back pain, metastatic PC with “innumerable” skeletal tumors. Degarelix worked for a few months but pain returned and PSA back up to 15+, doubling in a month or two. Next appt this week with oncology through UCLA to discuss next treatment options. Mostly focused on reducing pain.

Me to Everyone 08:04 PM Who are you seeing at UCLA?

Tom to Everyone 08:05 PM Dr melody Benjamin, out of the Ventura office

Me to Everyone 08:06 PM Is she a GU med onc?? I think not.

Tom to Everyone 08:06 PM Ok

Pat Martin to Everyone 08:07 PM Thanks for the help and input

Me to Everyone 08:07 PM Go to see Rettig at UCLA Westwood

George Rovder Arlington VA to Everyone 08:07 PM https://www.uclahealth.org/providers/mahshid-melody-mosallaei-benjamin

Me to Everyone 08:08 PM not good!!

George Rovder Arlington VA to Everyone 08:10 PM https://www.uclahealth.org/providers/matthew-rettig

Tom to Everyone 08:11 PM Thanks, I’m looking at his profile

Julian – Houston to Everyone 08:15 PM Thanks again for a great conversation! Good night to all.

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Dec 5, 2022

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Nov 21, 2022

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Nov 21, 2022

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL -… we have much gratitude at AnCan – especially for the love and support from our participants! All AnCan’s groups are free and drop-in … join us in person sometime!

You can find out more about our 12 monthly prostate cancer meetings at https://ancan.org/prostate-cancer

Sign up to receive a weekly Reminder/Newsletter for this Group or others at https://ancan.org/contact-us/

Join our other free and drop in groups: Men (Only) Speaking Freely …1st & 3rd Thursdays @ 8.00 pm Eastern https://www.gotomeet.me/AnswerCancer     Veterans Healthcare … 4th Thursday @ 8.00 pm Eastern https://www.gotomeet.me/AnswerCancer   No meeting on Thanksgiving!

Editor’s Pick: What’s the right type of radiation therapy? And you gotta love our live interaction to help Dr. Jack decide! (rd)

Topics Discussed

chemo causes minor BP/heart issues; off again, on again pembro to be resumed; MMR and HRR mutations defined; AnCan advises against self-dosing; bladder Botox and hematuria; starting IHT; GU med onc offers 3 treatment options … AnCan’rs opine; more IHT starting; RT treatment to commence- but is the right type of radiation?; Bayer approves darolutamide support; HT kicks in for another happy Dr. E camper; Herb experiences pain, but is it cancer realted?; are we seeing more or less telemed visits?

Chat Log

Frank Fabish Columbus OH to Everyone 06:02 PM Have my two month follow up and blood draw with my oncologist at the James tomorrow afternoon. Looking for good results.

Dennis McGuire to Everyone 06:05 PM Rick, Like the Background !

Joe Gallo to Organizer(s) only 06:42 PM SHARED Decision making

Me to Everyone 06:59 PM desmopressin – ‘Nocturna’

AL L Ft Lauderdale to Everyone 07:07 PM Just saw the bill for the first Docetaxel infusion. List prices. Docetaxel $4141. Neulasta $46749. Really? Haven’t seen what the approved by Medicare amounts are yet. Total $60000. Neulasta is really that expensive?

Me to Everyone 07:08 PM Yes Al …. and a lot of hospitals won’t give it or use a generic.

Alan Moskowitz to Everyone 07:09 PM nocturna is a brand name for a quick dissolve desmopressin tablet. More expensive and may not be covered by insurance. The generic tablet is very inexpensive.

Aaron Wertlieb DC to Everyone 07:18 PM Thanks guys have a good night

Peter Kafka – MAUI to Everyone 07:20 PM I just looked up my Medicare billing for 2020 which covered my Chemo treatment reimbursements. This was here in Hawaii, but my Nulasta was billed at $19,445. per shot. Medicare paid $2,226.91 and my secondary plan covered $556.73 Strange that you are seeing $60,000 bills. I guess that is why I don’t live in Florida. Correction: I see your Nulasta is only $46,749. But again, mine was only $20,000 in 2020.

Len Sierra to Everyone 07:23 PM Peter, I think he was including the cost of the chemo in addition to the Neulasta.

Me to Everyone 07:21 PM How do you all like the interactive?

Norm Pollock to Everyone 07:22 PM Yes

Len Sierra to Me 07:22 PM Fun!

Frank Fabish Columbus OH to Everyone 07:23 PM like the interactive

Steve Roux, Elk Rapids, MI to Everyone 07:23 PM Interactive is great

James Davidson (Houston) to Everyone 07:24 PM Interactive is engaging and entertaining

jeff wood to Everyone 07:27 PM I have to go early. Happy TG to all

Alan Moskowitz to Everyone 07:28 PM Guys, need to leave now. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Joel Blanchette Reston, VA to Everyone 07:33 PM I talked with Dr. E today and she said that she had just returned from Canada lecturing on the FDG PET and the PSMA from some research done by the Aussies. Does anyone know where she was in Canada and is it available on You Tube or someplace else?

TonyFig to Everyone 07:42 PM What is the name of the recommended radiation? SDRT?

AL L Ft Lauderdale to Everyone 07:43 PM Thanks to all. I need to leave tonight. Happy T Day!

Jim B to Everyone 07:44 PM SBRT – stereotactic beam radiation therapy

Frank Fabish Columbus OH to Everyone 07:51 PM got to leave guys. Happy Thanksgiving all.

Steve Roux, Elk Rapids, MI to Everyone 07:58 PM Got to get some sleep for early morning EBRT. Have a Happy Thanksgiving all!

Julian Morales – Houston to Everyone 07:58 PM Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!

James Davidson (Houston) to Everyone 07:59 PM Happy Thanksgiving!

Robert G (Colorado) to Everyone 07:59 PM Happy Thanksgiving!

Bill H to Everyone 08:04 PM Happy Thanksgiving to all. GN

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Dec 5, 2022

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Nov 7, 2022

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Nov 7, 2022

All AnCan’s groups are free and drop-in … join us in person sometime!

You can find out more about our 12 monthly prostate cancer meetings at https://ancan.org/prostate-cancer/    Sign up to receive a weekly Reminder/Newsletter for this Group or others at https://ancan.org/contact-us/

Join our other free and drop in groups:

Editor’s Pick: Whether the word’s concordant or congruent, if your PSMA and CT scans don’t match up, talk carefully with your Provider if you’re a good candidate for Pluvicto! (rd)

Topics Discussed

Make sure your PSMA and Full CT scans are concordant .. or is it congruent??; new lesions appear in Pluvicto follow-up scans; is BAT an option to follow Pluvicto?; when best to start Tx on recurrence; starrting IHT; liver cyst shows up on an Axumin scan; tear duct issues from chemo; Pluvicto availability; does ADT control DHT – dihyydrotesterone?

Chat Log

Jim Marshall, Melbourne, FL to Everyone 06:28 PM Concordance – Agreement or consistency

Robert G (Colorado) to Everyone 06:30 PM I think this is an overview of Bipolar Androgen Therapy that was mentioned earlier. I don’t know if there is anything more recent: https://ancan.org/bipolar-androgen-therapy-bat-sam-denmeade-md/

Bob G to Everyone 06:33 PM Here’s something newer https://www.urotoday.com/video-lectures/asco-gu-2022/video/2563-the-state-of-bipolar-androgen-therapy-in-prostate-cancer-emmanuel-antonarakis.html

Bob G to Everyone 06:42 PM Took about 11 days before I felt back to normal. Easier how? So, I’m done (for now) with chemo. I retry abiraterone at 1/2 dose in another 10 days & will see. Scans in early Dec & then see Dr.

Me to Everyone 07:01 PM https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pros.24452

Jim Marshall, Melbourne, FL to Everyone 07:19 PM For you Florida guys, you can track and predict storms, hurricanes, etc with the Ventusky weather model out of the Czech Republic at. www.ventusky.com you Gulf states can use it too along with East & West Coast. It predicts weather all over the world.

Ben Nathanson to Organizer(s) only 07:31 PM mary-ellen taplin?

george rovder arlington virginia to Everyone 07:50 PM Thank you all. Good Night.

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Nov 1, 2022

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Nov 1, 2022

All AnCan’s groups are free and drop-in … join us in person sometime! You can find out more about our 12 monthly prostate cancer meetings at https://ancan.org/prostate-cancer/

Sign up to receive a weekly Reminder/Newsletter for this Group or others at https://ancan.org/contact-us/

Join our other free and drop in groups:
Men (Only ) Speaking Freely …1st & 3rd Thursdays @ 8.00 pm Eastern https://www.gotomeet.me/AnswerCancer
Veterans Healthcare … 4th Thursday @ 8.00 pm Eastern https://www.gotomeet.me/AnswerCancer

Editor’s Pick: Chemo robs him of breath — but he’s determined to work through his bucket list. (bn)

Topics Discussed

PSA of 3.1 to drops to 1.5 after darolutamide; who gets darolutamide for free?; on chemo and struggling to breathe; how often should I request sequencing?; why can’t my tumor be spot-radiated?; get sequencing on a rare testicular metastasis; PSMA PET at 0.2?; establishing formal qualifications for PSMA PET interpretation; another report of major fatigue on darolutamide — but maybe it’s a drug interaction; expat’s sticker shock at U.S. drug pricing; radiation fatigue can’t stop his climbing trip; break for a little toilet humor; interpreting a p53 mutation; a pharmacy offering lower-cost drugs; is bone biopsy as painful as they say?

Chat Log

David Muslin 6:40 PM Cancer genome sequencing is the whole genome sequencing of a single, homogeneous or heterogeneous group of cancer cells. It is a biochemical laboratory method for the characterization and identification of the DNA or RNA sequences of cancer cell(s).

Herbert Geller 7:15 PM https://cancercenterofsouthflorida.com/abraham-schwarzberg/

Herbert Geller 7:15 PM https://doctors.umiamihealth.org/provider/Marijo+Bilusic/1900896

Len Sierra 7:27 PM There are potential serious adverse events associated with darolutamide and tamoxifen. https://www.drugs.com/interactions-check.php?drug_list=4027-0,2145-0

Frank Fabish Columbus OH 7:47 PM Got to go guys. Thanks for the info. See you next week.

Herbert Geller 7:47 PM I gotta go eat. See you next week.


Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Dec 5, 2022

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Oct 25, 2022

Hi-Risk/Recurrent/Advanced PCa Video Chat, Oct 25, 2022

All AnCan’s groups are free and drop-in … join us in person sometime! You can find out more about our 12 monthly prostate cancer meetings at https://ancan.org/prostate-cancer/    Sign up to receive a weekly Reminder/Newsletter for this Group or others at https://ancan.org/contact-us/

Join our other free and drop in groups:  Men (Only) Speaking Freely …1st & 3rd Thursdays @ 8.00 pm Eastern AnCan Barniskis Room      Veterans Healthcare … 4th Thursday @ 8.00 pm Eastern AnCan Barniskis Room

Editor’s Pick: We hear evidence Pluvicto may be shortlived. And before you start it, be sure all your lesions express PSMA! … and higher levels of corticosteroids may reduce PSA – who knew?(rd)

Topics Discussed

How durable is Pluvicto? concordance required for Pluvicto success; incontinence during salvage radiation; are PSMA scans viable at 0.2 PSMA; Medicare covers DEXA scans; Dr. A confirms Kwon treatment – and orders NGS; extened use of prednisone may cause cataracts … or is it aging?; and that same pred may reduce your PSA!; oral pain issues from chemo.

Chat Log

Carl Forman to Everyone 03:21 PM Dr Kwon posted a video 2 weeks ago, thru PCRI, titled PSMA and LU177 in 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwUJJP614f8 May have useful info.

Len Sierra to Everyone 04:03 PM  NCCN = National Comprehensive Cancer Network

rd to Everyone 04:26 PM From Bob McHugh …. ‘What does “avid” mean?’

Len Sierra to Everyone 04:27 PM Active lesion (Ed: Lesion expressing PSMA)

Me to Everyone 04:30 PM MSKCC Nomogram http://nomograms.mskcc.org/Prostate/index.aspx

rd to Everyone 05:06 PM Oral pain issues https://conquer-magazine.com/issues/2022/vol-8-no-4-august-2022/1896-simple-strategies-for-relieving-oral-pain-caused-by-cancer-treatment

TonyFig to rd 05:07 PM I started 30 day Firmagon two weeks ago. Dr. VanV ordered monthly blood/testosterone/PSA 3 days prior to each injection. No side effects this far with Firmagon. Wondering if I should stay with Firmagon monthly or switch to Lupron. Thinking of staying with Firmagon since no adverse reactions at this time. Alan Babcock to Everyone 05:10 PM I have to go. Thanks for your help.

rd to TonyFig 05:11 PM Benefit of Lupron is that you can get a 3 or 4 month shot rather than monthly. Also some folks don’t like the belly shot.

Peter Kafka – MN to Everyone 05:13 PM Good night guys, Keep fighting the fight.

John Madden (Hou) to Everyone 05:17 PM https://www.futuremedicine.com/doi/10.2217/fon.13.270

Herbert Geller to Everyone 05:18 PM https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17187697/

Jim Marshall, Alexandria, VA to Everyone 05:19 PM Here is the writelup I found Prednisone: It has been shown taking 10mg a day, can decrease the PSA result by more than 50% in many patients with hormone-refractory progressive Prostate Cancer. “In patients with serum testosterone castrate levels (less than 20ng/ml), hormone-refractory prostate cancer is defined as 2-3 consecutive rises in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels 12 obtained at intervals of greater than 2 weeks and/or documented disease progression based on findings from CT scan and/or bone scan, bone pain, or obstructive voiding symptoms.” So, getting this straight, if one does not have Prostate Cancer, then prednisone has no effect. But if Prostate Cancer is present, then the PSA test result is one half of its normal value. (Ed: not necessarily – PSA may also be half in all men taking pred, but they didn’t look at that!)

rd to Everyone 05:19 PM https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9697790/#:~:text=Conclusions%3A%20Prednisone%20(10%20mg%20orally,glucocorticoid%20dose%20and%20PSA%20decline.

Jerry Pelfrey to Everyone 05:20 PM Good Night gentlemen. Thank you Len for tonight.

John A to Organizer(s) only 05:21 PM gtg guys g’nite

Herbert Geller to Everyone 05:22 PM Gotta go. See you next week.