(Editor’s note: This is a ‘master’ list of books related to death, dying, and grief. We hope you will find this to be a helpful resource in your journey, no matter what it is. If you would like to share a book that has helped you, please email alexa at ancan.org. Amazon links here for your convenience and ease of purchasing the book. Remember, you can help AnCan with absolutely no cost to you by purchasing through AmazonSmile. Read how to here. Special thanks to Dr. John Antonucci.)

“We face fears of death and dying, and at times turn to authors who have thought deeply and written about the topic. I offer here a short bibliography on the topic. Ideally it would be an organic list, onto which readers could add suggestions or comments.” – Dr. John Antonucci



Thanks to Miguel Chen; most of this list is from:
Chen, M. & Sperry, M., The Death of You, 2019, Wisdom Press.