
Here at AnCan, we like to highlight the perspectives of every person that enters our virtual “door”, so to speak. That includes religious perspectives; we are SO proud of how diverse our community is. So, as such, these views aren’t an official AnCan viewpoint.

Now that that’s out of the way, we just thought we would share a more religious perspective on a person’s cancer journey. In her blog, Stingray of Sunshine, author Dana Hendershot asks the question, “If it is truly a God blessing that my cancer was found early, then I also have to believe that God did NOT bless the person whose cancer wasn’t caught early.”

Author, and cancer survivor, Dana Hendershot, goes into depth about those words and phrases that others might deem comforting to someone going through cancer. Phrases like “God has his reasons” are the opposite of comforting for her.

CLICK HERE to read Hendershot’s blog post about her “Theological Quandary”

No matter our religious (or nonreligious) perspective, these sentiments may be felt by many in our community – regardless of which illness you may have.

Thank you to one of our fantastic MS Moderators, Jennifer Digmann, for the blog suggestion!!

Our MS group meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Check out our calendar for more info on our other groups.