Low/IntermediateVideo Chat, Sept. 9, 2024


AnCan is grateful to the following sponsors for making this recording possible: Bayer, Foundation Medicine, Janssen, Myriad Genetics, Novartis, Telix & Blue Earth Diagnostics.

WELCOME all to our newly recorded Low/Intermediate Prostate Cancer Group. To receive notice when new recordings are posted, either follow us on this YouTube Channel or sign up to our Blog via https://ancan.org/contact-us/ – check New Blog box.

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AnCan respectfully notes that it does not accept sponsored promotion. Any drugs, protocols or devices recommended in our discussions are based solely on anecdotal peer experience or clinical evidence.

AnCan cannot and does not provide medical advice. We encourage you to discuss anything you hear in our sessions with your own medical team.

AnCan reminds all Participants that Adverse Events experienced from prescribed drugs or protocols should be reported to the pharmaceutical manufacturer or the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). To do so call 1-800-332-1066 @or download interactive FDA Form 3500 https://www.fda.gov/media/76299/download

AnCan’s Prostate Cancer Forum is back (https://ancan.org/forums). If you’d like to comment on anything you see in our Recordings or read in our Reminders, just sign up and go right ahead. You can also click on the Forum icon at the top right of the webpage.

All AnCan’s groups are free and drop-in … join us in person sometime!
You can find out more about our 12 monthly prostate cancer meetings at https://ancan.org/prostate-cancer/
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Editor’s pick: The use of different labs to measure PSA, can lead to inconsistent results. CE

Special Note: Note: Rick Davis and Alexa Jett enjoyed being “live” with Dr. Mark in person for this meeting, also Andrew makes an appearance.

Topics Discussed: High PSA with biopsy; research of treatment protocols; active surveillance; MRI guided biopsy; PI-RADS 4&5 lesions; positive cores not showing up on MRI; anxiety with regards to active surveillance and treatment; elevated PSA – standing alone does not necessitate biopsy; use the same lab for better consistency in lab results; change in tumor size; diet; inflammation; IRE clinical trials; focal treatment; radical prostatectomy; cardiovascular risk factors and pacemakers; risk of infection while wearing a catheter; Decipher score; PCRI Conference; Centers of Excellence; PET scans; potential of cancer spreading outside of the prostate; abnormalities in bladder and rectal wall; SBRT; ProAct adjustable continence therapy; hyperbaric oxygen therapy and its application to prostate cancer treatment; Prostox score; reminder of the other groups such as Men Speaking Freely.


Eric M. Atlanta
Theranostics I believe is the name?

John A
Igancio, there are several ways we deal with scanxiety. Behavior: exercise, other activities ie yoga, attending groups and sharing. Cognition: distraction, cognitive therapy techniques, mindfulness, meditation. Medication: as needed short term antianxiety meds for panicky anxiety or sleep, or antidepressants which block panicky anxiety. Therapy: behavioral, psychotherapy. Time can lessen it though as rick said even us oldtimers get it, but it’s not so fresh and harsh.

Thank you John! Actually, I do not believe I have “scananxiety” as much as “results anxiety”, not only from scans but also from PSA tests. However, time and experience have helped quite a bit. I have accepted my situation and am willing to take actioin if needed!

Thank you!

John A
MedGasRes. 2018 Oct-Dec; 8(4); 167-171. doi:10.4103/2045-9912.248268 Further application of hyperbaric oxygen in prostate cancer. Lu et al

Gregg – Metro Detroit
Adios guys – gotta go!

John A
clarify spelling/pronunciation: SpaceOAR hydrogel is one brand of the 3 Mark mentioned


Thank you all! Gonna catch the rest of the 9ers…