AnCan is a huge proponent of inclkuding palliative care in your treatment plan and medical team!!

Palliative care is NOT about hospice or end-of-life ….. that is just a sub-set of palliative medicine. At AnCan we prefer to call it Symptom Management, the lingo used by UCSF. That is no coincidence as AnCan has an excellent longstanding relationship with the UCSF service. Dr. B.J. Miller is on our Advisory Board, and Dr.Mike Rabow, the Director of Symptom Management Service at UCSF, is a friend of the family too.

Last Friday, Dr. Rabow gave an excellent webinar on CureTalks titled Redefining Palliative Care – you can listen here. For those living with advanced cancer, auditing this webinar is a MUST in our view!