From own experience, AnCan moderator advocates for End-of-Life legislation!

From own experience, AnCan moderator advocates for End-of-Life legislation!

Susan Lahaie, who co-moderates our Advanced Cancer Caregivers Virtual Group, has first hand experience advocating for medical-aid-in-dying legislation in Delaware. Her husband ,Ron Silverio, GRHS, passed in Jan 2018 from prostate cancer, and without the option of death-with-dignity that they had campaigned for during his 5 year illness.

Susan recorded her experience that was published in Friday’s Delaware State News; and even more powerful is Ron’s end-of-life testimonial recorded for Compassion & Choice shortly before he died.

AnCan stands behind those seeking greater end of life options.

From own experience, AnCan moderator advocates for End-of-Life legislation!

An End-of-Life Decisions Toolkit & Guide

One topic many of us avoid concerns end-of-life decisions. How many reading this have health directives in place, a legal and effective will, a pink directive stuck to your refrigerator door in the event EMT’s come to your home etc etc ….. I am certainly guilty as charged!

Compassion & Choices recently circulated My End-of-Life Decisions Toolkit Guidebook that you can also download as a pdf ….. or contact Compassion & Choices for a hard copy if you want to send to family or friends. AnCan appreciates many may not endorse Compassion & Choices’ agenda; nonetheless we recommend this guidebook as an excellent starting point to map out many of the difficult and controversial issues terminal disease raises.

Some of its features not often seen are:

  • Values Worksheet (Pg 19)
  • Detailed Specific Therapies Election (Pg 21)
  • Dementia Provision (Pg 25)
  • Sectarian Healthcare Directive (Pg 27)
  • Hospital Visitation Authorization (Pg 31)

There are several other good addendum making it worthwhile to review this Guide carefully.

This last bullet point is particularly poignant for those who attend the AnCan Caregivers Virtual Group. One of our regular participants has been troubled by legal barriers restricting visits to a lifelong friend with no family. It is heartbreaking to hear the best intentions and a giving heart foiled by misapplication of privacy protection rules.

Our thanks to Susan Lahaie, one of our Caregiver Moderators, for bringing this to our attention. We also recommend you watch her late husband’s, Ron Silverio, video.