One of our earliest, and certainly most enduring, non-prostate cancer moderators has been nationally recognized caregiver advocate, Renata Louwers. In barely 12 months, if that, Renata lost her first husband, Ahmad, to bladder cancer back in 2014. Since that time she has tirelessly campaigned to establish the Caregiver perspective on the medical radar; not to mention all the fundraising she has done for BCAN and bladder cancer …. G-d Bless Her!

This past week Health Union published the second part of an article Renata wrote for their Bladder Cancer Page – both parts are linked below. And no, they are not specifically about bladder cancer but more about her experience of being a peer moderator for a videochat virtual group that AnCan runs for Advanced Cancer Caregivers.

Pt 1 –

Pt 2

The easiest way to find more of Renata’s articles …. and there are so many excellent ones, especially for The Philadelphia Inquirer, is to google ‘Renata Louwers, medical journalist‘; do it and you’ll have no regrets!

AnCan’s heartbeat thrives on helping peers; it races when our Volunteers, our lifeblood, find satisfaction in the work they perform for us at AnCan. We love our volunteers; we especially love you, Renata   xox

To receive reminders for our Advanced Cancer Caregivers Group,  or any others that are all free & drop-in, click here.