One of AnCan’s favorite doctors, who we are privileged to name on our Advisory Board, is palliative care specialist, BJ Miller. I have had the wonderful fortune to work with BJ for 10 years or so, and know first hand how he has provided lifesaving support to a number of our participants treated at UCSF, both physically and mentally!

BJ is an extraordinary physician with an equally extraordinary story. He is a triple amputee – prior to med school, and if you listen to his interview today with Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air you will learn how that career decision came about.

What Terry failed to mention is that BJ’s Ted Talk has very nearly 10 million views since first being posted in 2015 – now that’s remarkable in itself! He has just published a new book with Shoshana Berger, A Beginner’s Guide To The End that I am currently reading.and recommend.